Your list isn’t that bad, but I would definitely save weight on your sleeping bag and the pad, especially if you don’t have a pad yet. You can get a 2lb bag for $200 and a 1lb insulated pad for $100. If you’re really not talking about going until September 2019, saving $5/week until then would get you there. If you can’t save $5/week than go with your plan but IMO you’ve got no business elk hunting and should be working instead.
I’ve been that poor before where I needed to get a deer for the meat and the gas driving the 30 minutes to my hunting area was eating me up, I won’t go back to doing it again.
I’ve been that poor before where I needed to get a deer for the meat and the gas driving the 30 minutes to my hunting area was eating me up, I won’t go back to doing it again.