Colorado Unit 7,8,9,19&191 mule deer


Jul 12, 2018
Hey Fellas-

I drew a Colorado muzzleloader tag for mule deer. This will be my first Co trip for mule deer, so it goes without saying I’m overly excited! In review of CPW data and Go Hunt, harvest statistics or success rates are low, yet the estimated population seems be be significant. Many tags go to leftovers, so I’m just curious as to why? Anyone have experience in the area?

On a side note, I am a solo hunter coming out of Oklahoma. I’ll be there in July for 3 days on a scouting trip. Anyone else draw this tag that will be flying solo that may want to compare notes?
Feb 21, 2017
It’s in the backyard of Fort Collins. There are lots of folks that live there year round or have weekend cabins up there. There are a few major roadways that get hammered with vehicle traffic up there until the snow flies, and you will likely see plenty of hikers, dog walkers, pot heads, campers, road hunters, etc.

A decade ago or so the DOW, now CP&W, freaked out about chronic wasting disease and killed a ton of does on their winter grounds, so the locals saw a big dip in populations, and many chose to hunt elsewhere.

Deer numbers are getting better now, and there are some decent bucks that hang out in the mountain neighborhoods. Just like anywhere though, you either need to get lucky or get away from people.

There are some bears and mountain lions, but nothing crazy. If it’s warm, rattlers in the rocks are a concern too.

Shoot me a pm when you head out to scout and I’ll see if I can keep you from wasting time, and maybe point you in the right direction.

I would highly recommend current private land maps.


Jul 12, 2018
Thanks brother! I have OnX and have been checking out drainages and potential natural funnels for movement to and from the eastern flats. I will be scouting the first weekend of August to try and get a lay of the land.

My initial plan is to Backpack in a mile or so off the trailhead to get away from the road and the immediate pressure. I appreciate your help!