Colorado Northwest Virtual Meeting 2-15



Apr 12, 2019
West Georgia
Also forgot to mention they talked about limiting backcountry camping and dogs in some areas at certaint times..didnt catch when and where.
Apr 5, 2013
Pine, CO
Also forgot to mention they talked about limiting backcountry camping and dogs in some areas at certaint times..didnt catch when and where.
They already have this in place in the Maroon Belles, and the Conundrum Hot Springs between Crested Butte and Aspen. I wouldn't be surprised to see this extended to many other areas. Draw for permits to camp, etc.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
They already have this in place in the Maroon Belles, and the Conundrum Hot Springs between Crested Butte and Aspen. I wouldn't be surprised to see this extended to many other areas. Draw for permits to camp, etc.
Wow our state is something else now haha I remember hiking hanging lake as a kid on a whim with my dad. Soon it will be drawing permits to use north table mountain or hike mount Gailbrath, don’t get me wrong it probably has to happen for the wildlife’s sake, but it’s sad. And people wonder why we get super defensive about units or hunting spots… heck I’m secretive over some of my favorite dispersed camping spots these days
Apr 5, 2013
Pine, CO
Wow our state is something else now haha I remember hiking hanging lake as a kid on a whim with my dad. Soon it will be drawing permits to use north table mountain or hike mount Gailbrath, don’t get me wrong it probably has to happen for the wildlife’s sake, but it’s sad. And people wonder why we get super defensive about units or hunting spots… heck I’m secretive over some of my favorite dispersed camping spots these days
I live near Buffalo Creek, but haven't been able to camp there in years, unless I want to leave a vehicle there all week to hold my spot, and that's just a dick move. I guard my camping spots as close as I do my hunting spots. The van life crowd has taken over all the good camping spots close to the front range. $100k Sprinter with a Starlink dish and solar panels.... They just trade spots every 14 days.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
That's the official line from CPW. It has been stated many times for the Gunnison basin units that this a major issue, hence the conversion of many units to draw there years ago. Either way, was just pointing it out, I hunt archery, rifle, and ML, whatever I draw. Never seem to have issues finding elk during any season. I would like to see the OTC rifle seasons go to capped OTC to reduce the mayhem. It is true that this seems to be focused more on bowhunters currently.
I don’t want to bring it up, cause I love archery the way it is, but maybe split archery into two seasons, get rid of 1st rifle and make 1st rifle muzzle loader. Then the money grubbers at CPW could kind of have their cake and eat it too… keep lots of tags, spread out pressure… get muzzys out of Sept, it is straight up cheating with muzzy in the rut ( which don’t get me wrong I will take full advantage of this year)


Jan 29, 2022
The West
I live near Buffalo Creek, but haven't been able to camp there in years, unless I want to leave a vehicle there all week to hold my spot, and that's just a dick move. I guard my camping spots as close as I do my hunting spots. The van life crowd has taken over all the good camping spots close to the front range. $100k Sprinter with a Starlink dish and solar panels.... They just trade spots every 14 days.
Yeah man we live in wild times in Co, and not in a good way… maybe if we keep 4/5 years of winters like this one it will send a few people packing, but that’s probably wishful thinking
Apr 5, 2013
Pine, CO
I don’t want to bring it up, cause I love archery the way it is, but maybe split archery into two seasons, get rid of 1st rifle and make 1st rifle muzzle loader. Then the money grubbers at CPW could kind of have their cake and eat it too… keep lots of tags, spread out pressure… get muzzys out of Sept, it is straight up cheating with muzzy in the rut ( which don’t get me wrong I will take full advantage of this year)
Don't mess with my 1st rifle! Those are fighting words.... I really like 1st rifle, because for me it's a backcountry hunt with a rifle, that isn't hardcore winter camping, which really isn't that much fun. It's not really a high-pressure season, rarely see many people out there for it. It's honestly one of the only seasons that isn't over-run currently... Iron sites muzzy doesn't bother me that much during the rut, and is one I enjoy, and with low tag numbers isn't really a big deal... But I also hunt the junk tags that no one else goes for, I'm not packing into the crowded areas, so probably don't see some of the overcrowding issues many deal with and conflict is non-existent between ML and archery where I like to go.
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Jan 29, 2022
The West
Don't mess with my 1st rifle! Those are fighting words.... I really like 1st rifle, because for me it's a backcountry hunt with a rifle, that isn't hardcore winter camping, which really isn't that much fun. It's not really a high pressure season, rarely see many people out there for it. It's honestly one of the only seasons that isn't over-run currently.
I get it man, it’s a great time to pack in with a rifle, you could still have your rifle it would only shoot about 150 yards though lol. Yeah not as much fun to pack in 3/4 season for sure


Mar 1, 2012
Yeah man we live in wild times in Co, and not in a good way… maybe if we keep 4/5 years of winters like this one it will send a few people packing, but that’s probably wishful thinking
This winter is like a typical Colorado winter used to be. I too hope we keep having these winters.
It seems like since the drought started back in 2002 we haven’t had much for winters or July monsoons.
I hope it’s back on track


Jan 29, 2022
The West
This winter is like a typical Colorado winter used to be. I too hope we keep having these winters.
It seems like since the drought started back in 2002 we haven’t had much for winters or July monsoons.
I hope it’s back on track
I agree, I was In middle school back then and definitely remember it being colder and snowier, I also remember never getting a snow day, seems like anything over a few inches cancels everything these days… like folks didn’t realize that they moved to mountainous area. Snow pack is looking good though which is awesome!


Feb 1, 2014
Because the rut takes place during archery...the biggest problem is the number of hunters pushing elk during the rut. This has pushed the rut into late September early October, a delay in breeding equals later calving, later calving equals more lost calves to winter due to being underweight, less calves equals less elk. Rifle hunting in the OTC seasons has no effect on the rut.
Archery hunting isn't what is pushing the rut back.

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Feb 1, 2014
I don’t want to bring it up, cause I love archery the way it is, but maybe split archery into two seasons, get rid of 1st rifle and make 1st rifle muzzle loader. Then the money grubbers at CPW could kind of have their cake and eat it too… keep lots of tags, spread out pressure… get muzzys out of Sept, it is straight up cheating with muzzy in the rut ( which don’t get me wrong I will take full advantage of this year)
Splitting the archery season is a terrible idea. It'll just focus a ton of pressure into two week slots instead of having it spread over the month. Very few people are hunting the entire season. 7-14 days of their choice over the month spreads it out. Cram them in to a dedicated 14 day slot and it'll be madness.

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Jan 29, 2022
The West
Splitting the archery season is a terrible idea. It'll just focus a ton of pressure into two week slots instead of having it spread over the month. Very few people are hunting the entire season. 7-14 days of their choice over the month spreads it out. Cram them in to a dedicated 14 day slot and it'll be madness.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Yeah I could see that hitting it harder could happen, but can’t imagine it any worse than what it already is, but it would make people choose to a period and have a set number for those dates so roughly there would be half as many hunters out at a time, just spit balling, trust me I love having the month just trying to think work arounds to lessen pressure


Aug 6, 2019
What I want to know is what the science and numbers show (hunters, recreation, animals taken, population objectives, habitat support numbers, etc.). The problem is complex and involves competing interests, changing variables (hunters, private property, habitat loss, hunting pressure, environmental changes, financial funding, special interest groups, public support, etc.), and limited resources. I understand that every group (archery, rifle, private property owners, oil and gas exploration, hikers, bikers, campers, Govt. revenue and financial, etc.) has their own interest at stake. But, the fact remains, it is a balance between all the competing interests. Yes, archery hunters want more tags and opportunity, as do rifle hunters, as do residents , as do non-residents, as do outfitters, as do land owners that charge trespass fees, as does the Colo Parks and Wildlife. We all have a personal interest but what does the science show?
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