I simply wouldn't have come home. I'd have given him three options. Stay in camp where I was hunting. Go camp at a lower elevation or get dropped off in town and pick him up on the way home. When you drive that far there is nothing dickish, or mean about that. There is also no reason to feel sorry for them. I'm sure he could have found a Dr. to see somewhere were he that ill. I've never heard of bronchitis killing anyone.
It is also a good lesson. Hash all of this stuff out prior to leaving home, even if it is a buddy and you think you don't need to. Let it be known you will be hunting this many days, period, end of discussion. If they was to drive themselves fine, if not, then they are going to be reliant on you to get home. Just put it out there in black and white. I leave at this time on this day. I return at this time on this day. If that works for you great, if not we'll see you there.
It is also a good lesson. Hash all of this stuff out prior to leaving home, even if it is a buddy and you think you don't need to. Let it be known you will be hunting this many days, period, end of discussion. If they was to drive themselves fine, if not, then they are going to be reliant on you to get home. Just put it out there in black and white. I leave at this time on this day. I return at this time on this day. If that works for you great, if not we'll see you there.