I have some hunting clothes that really smell of smoke, and my wife was wondering if you can get it out?
Last season my hunting buddy and I got caught out on a side of a mountain at night around tree-line, with sketchy sections coming up, so we decided to just build a fire and stay the night with only our clothes and packs with regular day-hunt stuff. We had no shelter and no sleeping bags, yup stupid. But we got to chasing critters and after a long 4 hr unsuccessful stalk, we realized we were 3 hrs from camp.
Anyway long story short, it got cold and we huddled as close to the fire as we could without jumping in and it seems that our clothes and packs have been impregnated permanently with smoke smell. My wife has used a sent-free detergent (brand name cablea's stuff) and baking soda, all with little success.
Personally, I don’t mind it and I don’t feel it hurts. My grandpa was a trapper and excellent hunter and he always smelled of camp fire smoke, always. It never hurt his chances at harvesting game. After an all-day hike into the backcountry, I don’t care how clean and smell free you were when you started; you are not smell free when you are done!
If anything, I figure the smoke would cover your scent. (btw I’m not a huge believer in cover scent, I always play the wind, but that’s a whole other topic)
I told her the smell is fine but she still wants to know how to get the smell of smoke out of clothes, we have a couple of little ones who love a good camp fire and she is always throwing out their clothes if she can’t get the smoke smell out.
I thought what better place to ask this question then here?
Last season my hunting buddy and I got caught out on a side of a mountain at night around tree-line, with sketchy sections coming up, so we decided to just build a fire and stay the night with only our clothes and packs with regular day-hunt stuff. We had no shelter and no sleeping bags, yup stupid. But we got to chasing critters and after a long 4 hr unsuccessful stalk, we realized we were 3 hrs from camp.
Anyway long story short, it got cold and we huddled as close to the fire as we could without jumping in and it seems that our clothes and packs have been impregnated permanently with smoke smell. My wife has used a sent-free detergent (brand name cablea's stuff) and baking soda, all with little success.
Personally, I don’t mind it and I don’t feel it hurts. My grandpa was a trapper and excellent hunter and he always smelled of camp fire smoke, always. It never hurt his chances at harvesting game. After an all-day hike into the backcountry, I don’t care how clean and smell free you were when you started; you are not smell free when you are done!
I told her the smell is fine but she still wants to know how to get the smell of smoke out of clothes, we have a couple of little ones who love a good camp fire and she is always throwing out their clothes if she can’t get the smoke smell out.
I thought what better place to ask this question then here?