Can a first timer from the East learn to call elk?


Dec 29, 2019
Basically just what the title says. Do you think an easterner can learn to call elk effectively before their first trip? I really have this dream in my head about hearing them rutting and screaming and getting one to come take a look at me. Something I really want to experience some day.
Basically just what the title says. Do you think an easterner can learn to call elk effectively before their first trip? I really have this dream in my head about hearing them rutting and screaming and getting one to come take a look at me. Something I really want to experience some day.

Yes. Pick up the ElkNut app. Thank me later. :)

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Plenty of time to practice. If you have any experience with diaphragm calls for turkeys you will be fine. If not.. get a couple calls, bugle tube, and head over to YouTube and watch one of the 1000’s of how to videos. It really isn’t that difficult to sound good enough to be dangerous. Takes a little work but if you start now you’ll be fine. Lots of resources out there.

Good luck.

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Its not as hard as a lot of people make it sound. I never blew on an elk call until a few months before my first Sep elk hunt and called in elk. Its a lot like calling turkey. Sometimes they come in easy and sometimes not.
2nd for the Elknut app. Well worth the investment

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Making elk sounds is no problem. Practical application is where time afield and a good mentor will help you reap dividends.
Maybe. Before I started blowing on a bugle I would want to know my area and the elk that inhabit it.
Even good callers will run off more elk than they get to answer in many places. Elk calls are a good way to call in other hunters in other locations.
In the right area a good caller can become very adept at calling in elk. It sounds exciting and they make it look easy on DVD. Will you go out with your new call and bring in a bull? Probably not.
Absolutely. Learning to make the sounds isn't difficult. Learning when and where to use each call is what's important. The way you run off elk is saying the wrong things at the wrong time.

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Yes you can, no problem. True story: I found an elk honey hole years ago but didn't have a bugle. Bought a primos bull horn the next afternoon after work, blew on it while driving to the spot. Walked up, saw a bull, blew on the bull horn and it came in! No, I didn't get it, but called in a bull the very first time, about 1.5 hours after buying a bugle. You can do this.
The dude writing this post can’t call turkeys for nothin but I’ve called in 8ish bulls in 3 years. First couple with the Primos Hyperlip Single.
Yes you 100% can. Did it my first year. Had 10 bulls in shooting range, missed one, killed #10. Bull I killed, and most of the others were call ins.

Learning to make the sounds is the easy part, learning what sounds to make and when is much harder. Start practicing, use Elknut and Chris Roe / Roe Hunting Resources materials.
Totally can. Buy some different diaphragms now, (there are a lot of threads on this forum on which are the best place to start), use available resources (youtube, elk101 and especially the elknut app). You will get interaction for sure, there will just be a learning curve. Its about the most fun you can have with your clothes on. Each encounter will make you more knowledgable. As was mentioned above, less is more most often. You will go into the field and run into other hunters who sound completely ridiculous with how much they do the bugle/cow call combo. The elknut app is great for hearing real elk sounds and copying them...definitely dont listen to the majority of other hunters in the field.
Get the Elknut app. Watch his podcasts. It’s not just calling. It’s making the correct sounds. Elknut is a great resource. I’m still learning after many years of elk hunting and I’ve seen improvement by applying his techniques.

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Yes. Grab a few diaphragms, watch some Corey Jacobsen youtube videos and try to make sounds like that. Within a few days, I figured it out.
Grab a Couple Phelps AMP frame diaphragms and get the ElkNut App or his learning to call DVD. If you put in a month of practicing daily for just 10-15 mins each day you will be making some decent sounds that could produce a reaction from a Bull.
Thanks everybody. I'll definely get that app and try to pick up some useful sounds.

Make no mistake, I'm under no illusions and if you'll notice in my first post I never said anything about killing one or even getting a shot. But dang if I can just be out there and get one to interact with me I'll consider that a hell of a win. Can't happen if you don't try right?
Yeah, I agree with these guys...... plenty of good calling programs on the internet.

Heres the question; When that first bull bugles back 400 yds away down in a what?

Can you call them in....sure. but it seems to me the rookie callers-ie; guys counting on the call to do the hunting- push more elk away than they bring in.....

My advice; Use calling as a part of a when you watch all of those youtube attention to the strategy........ more than the sounds from the 3 guys calling for the shooter.

I want to know, How do I get 3 guys to follow me around in the woods and call for me? Grin

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