WTB Bushnell LRHS 4.5-18 MOA


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Mar 20, 2024
Looking for a Bushnell LRHS in MOA. I'm looking for 4.5-18 but a 3-12x would do.

PM or reply to this if you have or know where one is for sale
IIRC, they only offered the MOA for a short time. In any case, they're comparatively rare, which you've likely already found. Good luck. I'm looking for a LRTSI mil and I'll pass any MOA I see along to you.
IIRC, they only offered the MOA for a short time. In any case, they're comparatively rare, which you've likely already found. Good luck. I'm looking for a LRTSI mil and I'll pass any MOA I see along to you.
I had one once upon a time and regret selling it. I've been on the look out for one for years
If you buy that MIL one that is listed Stony I'll trade you an MOA one as long as you are willing to ship to me first..
Which MOA one do you have? The 4.5-18x or 3-12x? and which MIL one do you want? I'll go on the lookout