Am looking a loading some Badlands Precision Bulldozer 2's for my 300 WSM. Am still very new to this but have had good results from the below loads.
ADG brass
RL 23 powder,65 grains
Fed 215 Primers
200 grain ELD-X .025" off the lands
+/- 2,785 FPS
Am I foolish if I simply swap the 200 gr ELD-X for a 200 grain Bulldozer 2, at least as a starting point? Would have to remeasure to make sure and check OAL's and all that stuff but that's easy. Badlands has some intel on their site but it speaks in generalities. The ELD-x's have worked great on deer but have a hunt down the road where I have a chance of running into grizz and like the idea of a copper bullet. Again, this is a learn as I go thing for me so be gentle if this thought process is idiotic.
ADG brass
RL 23 powder,65 grains
Fed 215 Primers
200 grain ELD-X .025" off the lands
+/- 2,785 FPS
Am I foolish if I simply swap the 200 gr ELD-X for a 200 grain Bulldozer 2, at least as a starting point? Would have to remeasure to make sure and check OAL's and all that stuff but that's easy. Badlands has some intel on their site but it speaks in generalities. The ELD-x's have worked great on deer but have a hunt down the road where I have a chance of running into grizz and like the idea of a copper bullet. Again, this is a learn as I go thing for me so be gentle if this thought process is idiotic.
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