I have 13 Antelope points in Oregon and am planning to draw the Warner unit for archery this year. I have been down a couple times to scout and am finding some decent numbers of antelope. My question is, some tips on archery hunting antelope. I have been doing some research on it and am overwhelmed with people saying to just hunt water. Call me stubborn, but I have no interest in this. I am more looking for tips on spot and stalking them. I am a teacher, so I do not work in the summers. The tag is during my summer break so I am spoiled and get to hunt the entire season without having to worry about work. I plan on trying to make several stalks on antelope throughout the week. The terrain out there is very flat and does not have much for cover apart from sagebrush. Any tips on how to make these stalks more successful? I know I could sit water and probably have better odds of success, but I do not want to sit in a blind. I would rather it be more difficult and go home empty handed than sit still all day everyday for the hunt.