Better than Exo?


Mar 26, 2019
I'm looking to update/upgrade my Badlands 4500. I'm fortunate enough to have a friend with a new Exo 3500 who allowed me to test it. It didn't take me long to see the improvements from my old 4500. I would be looking at a 5500 to purchase but the concept is the same. Anyway, my question is are there any other packs out there recommended over the Exo 5500? I live in Indiana so there are no good shops to test them, just going off recommendations. However, I do have a family vacation planned to CO, Denver area, this summer. If there are any good shops in that area where I could check out other option please let me know...I have until August to make a decision. Thanks,
In Denver you can try on kifaru at kifaru on the NW side of town. Can try stone glacier on at 1shotgear on the SW side of town.
If you’re in CO you could check out Kifaru.

I love my Exo. I’ve tried all the major pack brands and in the end it’s the most comfortable and functional pack for me. If you liked the Exo wait a few weeks to see the new pack offerings, they are incredible.
In CO you could make your way out to Grand Junction and try on Seek Outside packs too. Between SO, Kifaru, SG, and since you have access to an Exo - you will have sampled most of the heavily used packs.
If you’re in CO you could check out Kifaru.

I love my Exo. I’ve tried all the major pack brands and in the end it’s the most comfortable and functional pack for me. If you liked the Exo wait a few weeks to see the new pack offerings, they are incredible.

I really hope that taller frame that i keep hearing about is going to happen. I'll be the owner of another EXO if that is the case.
I originally bought the exo 5500 but switched after my first elk hunt. Couldn't get it adjusted to where it felt as comfortable as my buddies kifaru frame. Also, I like the modularity and design of the Kifaru bags
I love my mystery ranch metcalf . I used 11 days in Idaho last year it was awesome very comfortable fit me great .

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It’s all about how the different frames fit you. We have a lot of very good options right now but the best for you is entirely dependent on the shape of your back. Curved backs and the amount of curve work better with some packs than others and straight low curve backs work better with others.