Best Bear Spray?

Jan 12, 2017
Idaho Falls,ID
I am being sent to do a work project in an area with a heavy population of grizzlies in late August. I've hunted, guided, and camped around Grizzlies a lot, but it's been several years since then. The spray I've actually used was UDAP, and it was on a young black bear that wouldn't stay out of camp. Things change in the outdoor world very quickly, so I wondered what are the top brands now? I can Google it, but I'd rather have advice from people that have used the stuff, not a paid sales pitch.


Dec 4, 2018
Spring Creek, Nevada
Will bear spray work on grizzlies? I lived in western Montana for a lot of years, and I would advise a .357 mag or .44 mag. If a griz is coming at you, you empty every round you have into its chest, throw the gun at it, and run like hell.
Jan 12, 2017
Idaho Falls,ID
I've been around Grizzlies most of my life, had encounters with them, had friends killed by them, etc, etc. I'm merely wondering which bear spray is the best one because I cannot carry a gun while I'm at work, and since this is a work project.....
I definitely dont need a lesson in protecting myself, just advice on which spray is best from individuals who have experience with it. Thanks.


Aug 12, 2018
UDAP is still good. Like Zion Zig Zag, I feel more comfortable with the newer 10.2 oz Counter Assault. Can reach out further, and has the ability to do shorter time, multiple bursts (i.e., isn't just a one and done). But, also like Zion Zig Zag, I haven't had to use it on a bear. Tested an old one when it expired though.

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Sep 11, 2018
Res WA ST, winter>Gilbert AZ , NR>AZ, UT, NM, CO.
always carried it when fishing small streams, Kamloops to Kootenay. Also AK Russian and Alagnak rivers too. But never used. Did drop a rope of chrome reds once though due to grizz bear following aggressively. After 3 years, bought another can and used older one for some practice.

UDAP worked for me.
Mtn Lion and black bear. Lion encounter in AZ during late archery hunt.
Beast had snuck up behind me while glassing w/optics. Little redhead birds around me most of the morning and all of a sudden they took flight. Looked behind me, there was lion 15 yards away. Reached for spray on bino harness and deployed spray at crouched cat; it jumped 12' vertically in the air, turned 360deg mid air, hit the ground running away and down the steep hill.
took a couple steps to my pack-belt, un-holstered Glock, went to edge of hill and looked down.
lion was down there 400 yards, hissing, rubbing its eyes as it stumbled-bumbled around. Watched it for several minutes before it disappeared from sight.

Black Bear in CO, late Sept archery elk hunt. Was cow-calf calling in timber, heard a stick snap to my side and there he was. Charged me, I deployed spray at 20 some feet, boar ran right thru spray to me. But spray must have blinded the beast a bit as I jumped aside behind sapling and boar ran straight thru where I had stood. I dropped spray & bow, drew SW 357mag. As it turned to charge back, 2 shots and down, rolled over less than 10' away. 1st shot hit snout & into throat, 2nd grazed jaw and entered under its left eye. Both slugs exited.

now carry UDAP's largest size....and extra TP.
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