Sold Bergara MG lite Micro 6.5 Creedmoor full setup with scope

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Oct 14, 2019
Middleton Idaho
I did not draw again. So not carrying a rifle this year again. So selling the setup that I had put together for this years hunt. Rifle has 18 rounds down the barrel. Started load work on Hammer Absolute 123 bullets. So far they are doing over 3005fps and grouping under 1". This is in a new 18" barrel. Not included but can be is the Gunwerks bipod, bubble level, Salmon River bipod mount, bag rider and thumb rest. Here is what's offered.
Bergara MG lite micro in 6.5 Creedmoor
Leupold MK5 PR1 MOA with Warran Mountain Tech Low rings
WTS for $4400 obo plus shipping. New cost is $5100 plus taxes and shipping
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Been asked about trades. Trades are welcome, interest in larger calibers. With shorter barrels a plus for me. Also interested in some higher end glass

A few trade offers. Nothing set in stone yet.
So this setup is still for sale. I can split the rifle away from the scope if one is wanted alone.

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