Mike Herne joins us on the podcast to talk first aid. Mike has gained his first aid training from being an Army infantry guy of 14 years. We talk about a number of things for backcountry first aid including what he takes and why, bleeding, tourniquets, heat exhaustion, dehydration and he covers a couple of scenarios.
Backcountry First Aid and Survival Kits -> https://www.rokslide.com/backcountry-first-aid-survival-kits/
Rewarming Drill -> https://www.rokslide.com/rewarming-drill/
Backcountry First Aid and Survival Kits -> https://www.rokslide.com/backcountry-first-aid-survival-kits/
Rewarming Drill -> https://www.rokslide.com/rewarming-drill/
Backcountry First Aid with Mike Herne
Mike Herne joins us on the podcast to talk first aid. Mike has gained his first aid training from being an Army infantry guy of 14 years. We talk about a number of things for backcountry first aid including what he takes and why, bleeding, tourniquets, heat exhaustion, dehydration and he covers...