Backcountry Communication

Feb 25, 2013
Northern Colorado
Guys I know it has been discussed before but I am looking for some specifics to a CO high country hunt I will be doing this year. I am planning to head in solo for 5-8 days (pending on vacation days I decide to take). I was pretty set on just borrowing a PLB and utilizing that as my sole piece of emergency communication. Well yesterday I was discussing plans with my finace (who has been nothing but supportive of me needing to do the solo in the high country "thing") and she told me absolutly no go unless I can at least update her each day with an "I'm ok" message. I will check to see if my cell phone finds coverage this summer while scouting, but the reliability can be shotty. Therefore I have been looking into 2 way communication type devices.

I have looked at both the In Reach and SPOT and it seems like people are really split with them. SPOT will likely get the job done and is a touch cheaper, but the HELP option has its downfalls (in terms of satelites and connectability). In Reach seems to be a great option, however I am the last remaining person in my generation to not own a smartphone. I know I can get one that will work without the smarthone interface and then pair it later. The other thing is the costly plans. Since this will be a 5-8 day gig I will not really need it outside of that (sure if I have one it will get carried during scouting, etc because I can).

My question is keeping cost in mind (and the likelihood of these getting outdated in the near future) and realiability/functionality what is your reccomendations to me for this fall?


May 9, 2012
Shasta County, CA
I would highly recommend for your personal scenario to look in to renting a satellite phone if you cant get cell service where you are going. Reasonably priced and its nice to hear another voice while solo. To me paying for a device all year that only gets used a week isn't worth it. I use my cell phone because I know it has service at certain peaks where I hunt.


May 7, 2013
I like my PLB and a float plan for what I do (even though I have never had to use the PLB). I don't like the costs and future uncertainty of the other options that I looked at. With that said the size/weight of the spot is appealing.

Going solo and not talking to anyone for a while does't bother me but YMMV.

PLB's have been around for a long time.

Edit: I have found my hunting/fishing/camping buddies that have to check in every day get in WAY more trouble than I do over the years. I always leave my GF with my float plan, when I am leaving and coming back, and what sort of cell coverage I expect to have, but they are trained not to hear from me until I get back.

So many times I have had my buddies that are required to check get in trouble and their wife/GF freak out because the cell phone died, not enough coverage, etc. Life is much better this way.

Basically my additude is don't worry until I need the Helo.
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Mar 20, 2013
Banks of the Red Deer River Alberta
I have been using a Spot for quite a few years now and it has served me well. The check in button has not failed and allowed my wife to follow me on my solo hunts through google earth, but it is a one way communication. Good or bad my wife cannot contact me. It is for this reason that this year I have made the switch to the Delormeinreach. I think it will be nice to have two way text messaging when on extended solo hunting trips. The plan is a little more expensive but it can be put to sleep during the months it is not in use for about five bucks a month. There is a new Inreach out this spring that is a stand alone unit and does not need to be paired with a second device to communicate, it sells for around $350. Because of the new generation coming out the original devices are becoming available in certain locations for less than $200. Hope this helps a little.


Jun 9, 2012
Littleton, CO
Liv2Hnt - You are not the last person without a smart phone! I have an old slide phone and a friend of mine has a flip phone - so there at least 3 of us left!

I have used a spot for the past 3 years with minimal issues in a number of places across Colorado. Just make sure you have a clear view of the sky, and you understand the indicator lights of the unit. It will give you a clear indicator of when a message has been sent. Only when I get in a hurry does it fail to send. You actually have 4 separate messages that it can send. The general Checkin/Im OK message. A custom message (I program this for my I've got one down message). A help message (for non-life threatening situations, but when you still need help), and the I'm in deep doo-doo, send out the cavalry message.

Each message can be programed to go to a different set of people (email or text). Has worked good for me.
Feb 25, 2012
I have used the spot and it works great.
For the InReach my hunting partner is in South Africa blasting critters right now and he has been sending me texts all week, so it looks like that is working out OK too.

If this were a once a year thing I would just rent a SAT phone b/c the cost of the previous 2 and service would cost way more.
Feb 25, 2013
Northern Colorado
Thanks for all the input. Glad to hear I'm not the only one stuck behind the times.

Sundog, I'm working on that training though she does have a point. If all she wants is an i'm ok message a day I can handle that.

So I have priced these out and man its tough.

Sat phone looks like it'll cost me for 8 days ~$150 and then that is the only use I could possibly get out of it.

SPOT is $99 for the unit and $99 for the year subscription so ~$200 and then I can use the unit on a few other hunts where I won't be solo but would have a potentially life saving device.

InReach- The old units need to be paired with smartphone devices so those cheaper units won't work. I did find a new standalone unit for $181, $20 activation and a plan to go with it ~$300 for 4 months basic.

As much as I like the InReach for future uses (I have a feeling SPOT is going to get pushed out of the market, maybe I'm wrong) but the SPOT seems to be the best device for purchase. Its tough to rent for 8 days and save only $50. If I use the spot two years I am at the same place I would be if I rented a SAT phone for 8 days/year for 2 years. I think a PLB would be a great option if my cell got enough service to get a I'm ok message out, but I can't see myself trusting a cell phone battery/signal for 8 days and not expect issues described above by SunDog.


Feb 10, 2013
The SPOT 2 is a great option. Cheap but effective. I've used one for a few years, I always keep it in my pocket. I've used in the both the Alaska Range and Brooks Range. There have been several rescues per year here in Alaska from the SPOT also. Like HockeyDad said just follow the directions. Only time I had a problem was when I did'nt leave it on long enough after I sent a message. I program mine like he does. My wife loves getting the OK messages.

Oh, and I don't have a cell phone either. :D Your not alone!


Mar 9, 2012
Laporte - CO
You and I are in the same boat - the Spot seems like the best compromise (IE economical and reasonable) option but between their crappy customer service reviews and the annual contract I have not pulled the trigger yet. I have a feeling they will work fine as long as you follow directions but on the off chance the signal does not go thru I don't want the wife freaking out.

I don't need a Sat phone but they sure are nice to have. Our insurance makes us keep one in camp for our guided hunts and it is expensive but not out of the realm.
Feb 25, 2013
Northern Colorado
BB you summed up my thoughts exactly.

With that said, anyone looking to sell a spot or know of a place to pick one up cheaper than they sell for new? What about an InReach unit?


Jun 3, 2012
The SPOT II has been great for me. I send two 'OK' messages a day, one at breakfast and one just before turning in. My wife knows not to panic if, for whatever reason, one or two messages don't go thru or get forgotten in the heat of the hunt, etc.

I don't think I've ever had a failure to send in the three+ years I've been using it. Great value, IMO.


Super Moderator
Jun 26, 2012
Denver, CO
I'm going to buy a SPOT this year. Even up above 11k in CO I didn't get service. AT&T has the worst service!


May 14, 2013
SPOT has worked in the Sierras, Cascades, Rockies and some fly fishing in the Shenandoah Mtns for me, don't do any cell phone, I like seeing no signal.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2012
Lowman, Idaho
I would ditto this advice. It seems that on a couple of other posts that price is an issue----how much is your life worth???
You have more options with a sat phone.


I would highly recommend for your personal scenario to look in to renting a satellite phone if you cant get cell service where you are going. Reasonably priced and its nice to hear another voice while solo. To me paying for a device all year that only gets used a week isn't worth it. I use my cell phone because I know it has service at certain peaks where I hunt.


Mar 9, 2012
Laporte - CO
BB you summed up my thoughts exactly.

With that said, anyone looking to sell a spot or know of a place to pick one up cheaper than they sell for new? What about an InReach unit?

Sent you a PM with an idea on a deal - how about that 3D shoot one of these Wednesdays?


Classified Approved
Apr 26, 2012
My wife doesn't want to hear from me during a hunting trip. If I call early, she expects me to be done or something's wrong. We worked through this issue a number of years ago on trips to B.C. when the only real option was sat phones and I was hunting with outfitters. Guess that I lived in a dream world and got by lucky. I did acquire a sat phone earlier this year on favorable terms (new 9575 with minutes) at a banquet. I would question why I got cheap if I got in a bad situation in the back country.

For those people who are important to you, working out communication or lack there of ahead of time is important. If they are worried about your safety, then you can use a basic plb (I think) or whatever you want above that. If they need to communicate because they need to here from you, you need to work out the why. Is it because they are worried about safety and need the contact for reassurance or is it an insecurity issue? Need to determine the "why" to decide what is necessary and then determine the "what". Your safety should not be driven by the cost as the primary factor. If your personal well-being is driven by a few hundred dollars, then you are underestimating your value (or maybe not) or need to consider whether you can afford to do the hunt. IMO

Personally, I shut off my cell phone on a hunting trip if at all possible and won't turn it on until done or want to use it to take a picture. My outfitter in Alaska last year had satellite internet in base camp. Really was a bad deal as it allowed too much communication and the hunters at base camp spent too much time on their smart phones. I hunt to get away from my phone, not to be able to use it. If I can get where the cell phone doesn't work, I'm happier. Love the peace and quiet.
Jan 12, 2013
You can rent a SPOT unit as well. Did that last fall for our CO trip. Showed up in the mail a few days before we left, drove out, hunted, drove back, mailed it back. Two week rental was $70-80 if I remember correctly. Which, if it's a once a year use type of purchase, makes sense because you'll pay more than that just for the annual service plan.