AR-10 Hunting Rifle Recommendations?

I know OP spec'd an AR, but of all my AR-10 size guns, my favorite is the Scar 17. Shoots super soft, lighter than my Armalite's, runs clean and cool. If I could only pick one gun for a do-all hunting / SHTF / self defense / fun, it would be the Scar 17 easy. Many here will not agree...

PS I own the FH Scar 20 as well, and would still take the 17 if I had to pick
Do you recommend a specific scope? And why? I’m trying to figure out what scope to go with at this point. I am dragging my feet on a purchase.
My dd5 ambush is pretty sweet, it was in my hands upon harvesting 2 elk. I don’t use it anymore as I’ve found a 7lb bolt gun carries a touch easier. But she stacks em at 300, can’t really ask for much more.
I have a Springfield Saint Victor. 9 lbs and change loaded with a TRACT Response scope. Not a hunting rifle per se but it works on the deer and pigs and makes a great range rifle.
Probably not going to be real popular compared to some of the higher end stuff, but I went with a PSA 308. Swapped the trigger for a geissele and swapped the barrel to a 20” Dracos carbon 7mm-08. It’s been fantastic. 3rd group was with factory precision hunter and the 5rd was 150 tgk with varget moving 2657 with sd 10. Doesn’t get out of the safe much anymore but I really like it.


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Hands down Primary Weapons System (PWS), long stroke piston rather than DI, can be chambered in either 6.5 or .308. Completely awesome gun, I own one in .308 and one in 5.56. Piston makes it a bit pricier and just a bit heavier, but damn it shoots like a dream and stays clean. Well within your 4,500 budget and then you can drop a quality optic on top.
We run the .308 piston PWS with a can and have had nothing but issues with them. We were told it’s because we aren’t cleaning them enough, but after about 20 rounds we start seeing the same issues with them and not feeding properly. One of the guys on my team sent his back and they put a new barrel on it, but he’s at ill having the same issues. We’re trying out new suppressors to see if that solves our problems, otherwise we’ll be getting rid of them. I have not been impressed with PWS so far.
I have a soft spot for ARs from my time in the Army. I was looking at putting together an AR-10 as well, but decided on a 6mm ARC in AR-15 platform. Weight was really the deciding factor. Most of my elk hunting is done with my bow, and I will still use my WSM for cow tags. But deer and antelope gun tags, I think the ARC will be fun for those.
If you are building one up from parts, make sure to stay on top of component compatibility! It’s a little more complicated than the AR-15 front.

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