Anyone have this happen to Kifaru Duplex Belt after 1 season?


Sep 16, 2012
Anyone have this happen to your Kifaru Duplex Belt after 1 short season? Shoulder straps tearing off the belt where they are sewn on, the center strap on the belt is tearing away on one side. It's minor now but something I think would have potential to turn into catastrophic failure with a load of both camp and meat over a week long hunt.

Pack was used on two trips. No animal hauled in it. Pack weight was at 48 lbs. during the hunts.

Left Side Belt.jpg
Left Side Belt 2.jpg
Right Side Belt.jpg
I personally haven't seen that at all. I know if you get ahold of anyone at Kifaru they will make sure it is taken care of for you though
We've had 3 come in like that in the lcouple few years, and one of those did pull off the belt. The other two were like yours (showing early signs), but its obviously better to be safe then sorry, so we had them sent back for repair. All of them were on the first bikini frames/belts we shipped out, so I'm wondering if yours is a bikini frame or Duplex?

The guy that has his pull off is on Rokslide and he posted up the photos and what happened. The thread he started is around and it showed his field fix for the hike out.

Let me know when you're wanting it warrantied and we'll get it swapped out.
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i believe i just looked at one that was repaired yesterday, and it looks hell for stout now. everything is like tripled stitched, even spots that hadnt started to come apart.
i asked him if he'd had it on the scale since... :p
it was a great and confidence inspiring repair
Funny how someone posting near gear failure makes me want to buy more of said company's gear. First rate CS.
It was just one sewer that had the issues with the shoulder strap webbing (this was when they first came out), but the problem has been resolved now.

i believe i just looked at one that was repaired yesterday, and it looks hell for stout now. everything is like tripled stitched, even spots that hadnt started to come apart.
i asked him if he'd had it on the scale since... :p
it was a great and confidence inspiring repair