Brandon Pattison
...after running hard in the evening? It is like the runner's high lasts into the night. I am too lazy to get up in the morning. Usually I hit snooze a few times then its tazmanian devil until the door slams shut.
Late hockey games were the worst for me. Sometimes the games wouldn't start until 10:00 so it's well after 1:00 before I'd get home and usually after 3:00 before I could fall asleep. I used to have the same problem with running, but I've juggled my schedule so that I workout right after work and that seems to help.
I PT right when I get home, in the heat of the day. As tired as I am at bedtime one would assume easy sleepins.
It's entirely possible that the trouble falling asleep and the exercising are not related.
I find that sex and a beer or two helps. Just a thought.
How about a nice warm glass of shut the hell up?