Amador County FNG


Jul 17, 2023
Northern California
Good morning,

I grew up fishing and camping, but not hunting in the Sierra Nevada's. Only recently did I pick up hunting because I'm trying to step away from the whole grocery store reliance on sourcing all of my meat.

I joined the Marine Corps and spent a lot of time "hiking" and "camping" in random places and really grew more of a need to be away from people as much as possible.
With this, it polished the skills that I feel are valuable in hunting (ie. tracking, marksmanship, general outdoors understanding).

Last year was the first year that I bought a deer tag. I also got a bear tag but was unable to find a single bear (although I saw TONS of tracks and scat). Even though the odds were against me, I somehow managed to tag a deer on my drive home, after backpacking in 5 miles and seeing only does.

I'm not very smart, so I decided to get into archery as well and try to learn archery at the same time as learning how to hunt.
This year I have 2 deer tags and a bear tag.

I have a large plot of BLM land that's backed up to my property as well, so I have the place, sort of have the time, and am trying to achieve the skill/knowledge now. I don't have any game cams or game cam knowledge, but it's something that I'll be looking into after this season. I have some cameras around my house and there's A LOT of mountain lions (5 on separate cams at the same time), some resident deer, a sow with a cub, jackrabbits and a few coyotes.

What can y'all recommend for someone who has a plethora of outdoor experience, but not a lot of hunting experience?
I really enjoy reading and learning from all of the people on here who have tons of experience and am willing to do whatever I need to learn more and get better at this.


WKR & Chairman of the Rokslide Welcoming Committee
Classified Approved
Feb 2, 2020
Scottsdale, AZ
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new member.
