Alaska Blacktails

Daniel Bybee

Apr 7, 2012
My hunting partner and I were talking about different hunts we wanted to go on. The talk got to blacktail in alaska. We are looking at trying to pull it off within the next three years. I know they are on kodiak but what other islands hold them. What are the populations like and what is the best time to hunt them. Obviously we have lots of work and planning ahead. Thanks Daniel


Nov 1, 2015
My hunting partner and I were talking about different hunts we wanted to go on. The talk got to blacktail in Alaska. We are looking at trying to pull it off within the next three years. I know they are on kodiak but what other islands hold them. What are the populations like and what is the best time to hunt them. Obviously we have lots of work and planning ahead. Thanks Daniel

Populations are doing fairly well in the last couple of years, warm winters and more rain than snow in many areas has limited winter-kill of bucks and does and allowed some of the big bucks that rut hard to survive another year, aging into that "toad" category! Finding them can be problematic, but that's why they call it hunting and not killing!

One of the reasons Kodiak is so popular for deer is the opportunity to hunt other animals. If you fly-out from Kodiak and hunt deer on the southwest side there are also Reindeer/Caribou that non-Alaska residents can hunt without using a guide. If you hire a guide you can also try for Mountain Goats. Deer/Caribou/Goats are either harvest ticket or registration permit i.e. guaranteed opportunity, as long as you pay the piper ;)

Another big plus of Kodiak is the general lack of trees and in many areas great expanses of sub-alpine and alpine areas that afford easy glassing and spot and stalk type hunting. That said there are some parts of Kodiak that are thick prickly brush that is 10 feet tall... In August and September all the brush will still have leaves on it and make spotting deer (and bears) a bit more tricky in those spots. Later in the season the leaves will fall off of the alders etc and getting a bead on deer can be a bit easy but you run the risk of crappy weather. I personally prefer mid-august after the velvet has come off but before the fall rains become more common. Deer begin rutting in November and in some areas they are quite responsive to the calls which makes for some interesting surprises! If you are in good shape and like to hike and explore go in August, if not, go later in the season. Either way, expect to put some miles on the boots.

If you are interested in islands other than Kodiak that have deer, just get out a map of Prince William sound and Southeast Alaska and start throwing darts. Odds are if you hit land its a "bulls eye"!

p.s. (Checkout Alaska Outdoor Forums, there are many threads about blacktail hunting in Alaska )
Sep 13, 2012
Anchorage, Alaska
POW island has a couple of deer hunt lodge package type places, such as Coffman Cove. The success rate of the guys i know that hunted kodiak were much higher than that of POW. Probably has some to do with the terrain. I know multiple groups that got some real good bucks on kodiak.
Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
For what it's worth (not much I'm sure), I did a spring black bear hunt on POW back in '03 and saw tons of deer. I quickly decided to plan a trip back for a deer hunt and ended up going in the fall of '05. On that hunt, my partner and I saw over 100 deer over the course of 7 or 8 days but could not put antlers of any of them (it was bucks only, don't know if that's changed or not). The following year was my first Kodiak deer hunt and on one particular day we saw over 100 deer with too many bucks to choose from. Since then, with the exception of a few years, I've gone back to Kodiak every year. So I have very limited experience on POW but Kodiak is practically in my back yard and will continue to get my visitations. Here's a picture of a smaller herd of deer with probably 8-10 bucks mixed in.
Oh, and all those tracks you see in the sand are deer tracks, that were washed away within a couple hours when the tide came in. The next morning the beach looked exactly the same.


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Daniel Bybee

Daniel Bybee

Apr 7, 2012
That's a cool pic, we talked about doing a combo hunt with black bears in the mix but I'm really liking the sounds of kodiak. We both have done backpack hunts before but is it smarter to try and charter a boat to stay on or possibly a cabin. My buddy will be using his 7mm stw and I will either take my light 308 or possibly my 300 win mag. Thank you guys
Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
I've never done the boat thing but I have a few buddies that have and it looks/sounds like it can be a very fun and productive trip. I've also never stayed in a cabin but can say from experience that when/if you have bears in camp, a cabin would be really nice.:) Speaking of bears, my suggestion would be to leave the 308 at home. The smallest caliber I have taken to Kodiak is a .300wsm and I usually also have a 12ga. in camp. I've been unfortunate enough to have been involved in killing 2 bears one night in camp and can say without hesitation, I was really wishing that I had brought the .375 H&H mag. I'm a firm believer in packing firearms that pack a big punch when hunting Kodiak, and as far as the deer are concerned, dead is dead, there is no overkill. The chances are you won't have any bear problems and, if you're lucky, you may not even see a bear, but if you do and problems arise, you definitely don't want to be under gunned.
Mar 21, 2012
I wanna hear more about the two bears? I think you have told "us" or me about it once, but I seem to have forgotten the details! Sounds like a nerve racking night.
Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
I wanna hear more about the two bears? I think you have told "us" or me about it once, but I seem to have forgotten the details! Sounds like a nerve racking night.

Actually, a nerve racking 3 nights, with one of those nights probably being the scariest night of my life, but I don't want to derail the thread.

I hate to downplay POW because I only deer hunted it once, and with that many deer on the island I have to imagine there's a very healthy buck population. I've seen some bucks come off that island that were real bruisers. It's just easier for me to fly down to Kodiak. I've had very good luck down there and feel like I know the island pretty well now.


Mar 11, 2013
Roberts, WI
I've been looking at this hunt for some time too, are there any areas better for a traditional bowhunter? Often these areas are not the best for rifle hunters. And what time of the year would be best for bowhunting? Looking for for a self guided arrangement with lodging.
Mar 21, 2012
I agree on not downplaying POW. At the right time with the right approach and knowledge I think it can be great. My only Sitka buck is from POW and intend to go back someday.

Bowhunting POW, I'd go early when deer are up high. I went in Nov and it was pretty tough but we did have shots at mature deer.

Kodiak, either early and hunt alpine or go a bit later in the rut and you should have ample bow range encounters.


Mar 11, 2013
Roberts, WI
I'd prefer a deer that's not in velvet and with a winter coat. I assume they are not up high at that time?
Daniel Bybee

Daniel Bybee

Apr 7, 2012
After more discussion, I think im gonna be taking my bow and a sidearm of some sort. My buddy will be using a new 338 he just purchased. Are there brown bears on POW or is it just black bears?


Nov 1, 2015
Went to POW in Sept 2014 to hunt deer.
Put miles on the boots and hundreds on the pickup. Saw hundreds of doe, one buck at night crossing road, and one small 4pt. Hunted the alpine and muskeg.
The locals are so tight lipped it is funny, almost like they formed a POW pact not to help the non-residents.
Saw a nice 10pt at the grocery store there 15 yr old girl shot "somewhere".

The island is thick, thick, and limited access to the alpine without intense hiking/climbing.

That being said one of the best times of my life and will be going back when I draw a bear tag.