500 lb. Wisconsin Black Bear Harvest

Jun 11, 2021
My buddy ended up tagging his first Black Bear last week on opening day. Wisconsin is a draw to hunt bears, the state is divided into numerous different units. This is the 3rd time he had a tag (Burned 2 tags a few years before).

Waylan's known to get "Excited" and told me he was raised to take the first shot he's presented with. Regardless of the shot placement, this is a very big bear for Central Wisconsin, 446 lb fully dressed (Est. by butcher to be 500 lb. Live weight)

Posting because I was asked to and figured maybe some people would enjoy this hunt - Besided the Kill, he does dive into how he sets up a bait, his routine, what he uses, and how he "Conditions" bears to hit the bait during daylight hours.
I have a friend up in Saywer county who has been trying for several years to draw a tag with no luck at all. Great bear.
I have a friend up in Saywer county who has been trying for several years to draw a tag with no luck at all. Great bear.
The state is poorly designed for bear hunting. The highest population of bears exist the further north you go, lower population the further south. Down south you can get a tag every year. Central part of the state, zone C where this was shot, it takes 3 points or so. Up north in Zone A where your friend is, it takes 11+ points to draw. It's like they're turning bear hunting into trophy units up north...
That's a giant! I have a few on my property in Columbia county, none this big though, congrats to your buddy!