308 win?


Mar 3, 2013
Great topic on the custom rifle issue. As I sit back and read post I have been thinking of thinning the herd. Just picked up an A bolt in 7wsm used. With current reloads this thing wont print as I desire. So ordered a new b&c medalist stock, will have to see after the install how it shoots. If not to my liking, then maybe rebarreled to .308 win. I have a thing for short action rifles, and a sad sickness for A bolts. It has been pretty hard to find quality used rifles in my area. I have a 300 RUM, 7RM and a couple vanguard 308 win. The magnums just sit... I shoot and reload for them all. I just start counting the one shot kills and average yardage... and think why do I need more than a .308 win? As most of you, I enjoy tinkering with rifles and reloading. Each rifle is a hunting rig, but those 308's seem to be my go to rifles as of lately. As BB had stated, when you add up cost of factory rifle, stock, rebarrel etc. you are well over custom set up cost. I always treat these as trial and error, never mistakes. I have to experience these things for myself, not what a vendor/magazine/armchair hunter says. You guys let me know your thoughts, just remember I am partial to those A bolts


Sep 16, 2012
.308 seems to be cheaper for me on average and a great hunting round, many one shot stops on everything from Sitka Blacktail to Moose and Black Bear.

If your partial to your A-Bolt, you could send the action off and have a rifle built up around it. Bettin Custom Guns in Iowa is a guy a like to use for a bolt gun and he'll throw on your choice of hardware and coated or uncoated, stainless, cerakote, carbon fiber barrel, whatever you want. There is a photo of an A-bolt he built up on his site. If you use your gun and send it to him it cuts the cost dramatically for your build. But, he is just one of many quality gunsmiths. Find one you like and contact them, see what they can work out for you. Hope I'm not getting too far off track of what your looking at doing.

I haven't done any home builds on bolt guns yet, just tinkered with some black rifle stuff. I'd love to build up a precision bolt rifle but just dont have the time or equipment to do it.


Mar 8, 2012
W.Central PA.
Correct. The short mags require a magnum bolt face,so the 308 isn't an option as such. Maybe you can do some horse tradin' to a standard A-Bolt for a project base.


Feb 26, 2012
Bolt face differences aside, the .308 is a great round, as are the other cartridges in the family. Like the OP, I have magnums in the safe but any more I find myself reaching for the .308 or a wildcat built on the '06 case because they're "big enough," more pleasant to shoot, easier/cheaper to reload for, and easier on the barrels. I have a re-barreled .260 in transit back to me, can't wait to get that one shooting.


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
The 308 win is a great round ! It will kill anything you want to hunt within reasonable distance and is easier and cheaper to shoot than the magnums. Components for reloading and loaded ammo are the most common and lowest cost. The barrel life is measured in thousands of rounds not hundreds . I have a 308 that is the backup rifle for just about everything I hunt. The 7-08 may be even better and its off the 308 case.