2023 Rokslide Staff and Moderator Favorite Gear Picks

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho

@realunlucky worked his tail off to put this together for everyone. Thanks to him and all the staff that took the time to record a segment.

So...Rokslide members! You have both the audio link to the podcast episode and the written version with pics at the link below. (Ya, you can say we're multimedia here at the 'Slide)

Thanks Robby!

@mtnwrunner are you still using that argali one person shelter? How’s it holding up?

I tried switching to a floored big Agnes tent this season and I can’t stand it. Too many years sleeping on the ground with just a tyvek sheet either under or over top of me and can’t stand the feeling of being in a closed in tent.

I really like the look and weight of the unit you used last year. What are the pitch options if you don’t use a trekking pole? Do they offer a dedicated foldable pole for it? If not I can probably modify one of my foldable lightweight tent poles to make it work.

Thanks Robby!

@mtnwrunner are you still using that argali one person shelter? How’s it holding up?

I tried switching to a floored big Agnes tent this season and I can’t stand it. Too many years sleeping on the ground with just a tyvek sheet either under or over top of me and can’t stand the feeling of being in a closed in tent.

I really like the look and weight of the unit you used last year. What are the pitch options if you don’t use a trekking pole? Do they offer a dedicated foldable pole for it? If not I can probably modify one of my foldable lightweight tent poles to make it work.


Yes, still using it and will be. Great setup for a 1p shelter and the footprint and weight are outstanding. I've used it both with the nest and without, it's roomy both ways. I had it on a sheep hunt where we had SIGNIFICANT winds (40 ish +) and it held fine especially with the Xtra guyouts.
You can get a dedicated pole for it if you wish either from argali or other manufacturers......the durston one is nice.
And I'll save you some grief......just get MSR groundhog tent stakes. ⛺
More than happy to ship it to you if you want to try it out.


Kyle's have good taste...
I'm on board with Alpen Fuel just like @SLDMTN and fully agree that the carmel apple takes the cake.

That's a silly crazy amount of work to compile all that; good job @realunlucky


Always my go-to pack out meal. I like all the flavors but the caramel apple gets saved for when I have hot water. So tasty!

They just released their cookies for presale as well. The flavors I’ve tried were great even in below zero temps.
I'm celiac, so I will be snagging up a bunch at WHCE. Good gluten free food is hard to find.
Same problem here. Havent seen these before, but GF and freeze dried have not typically been available and good at the same time... Bad enough to me that I went the freeze dryer route. That piece of gear would get an award from me. The meals are on a different level compared to what is available right now.
Great podcast, thanks! @ Tony Trietch (maybe somebody can forward to him? As an ophthalmologist/eye surgeon I would not recommend sleeping in any type of contact lens regardless of what your optometrist says. I’ve seen numerous corneal ulcers from patients sleeping in their contacts. These can cause corneal scarring that can permanatly affect your vision. Contact lenses in the backcountry are certainly a challenge. Still not ideal, but I would recommend daily disposable lenses instead. I don’t have Facebook/instagram to contact him directly, but wanted to reach out here. I couldn’t live with myself if I heard he had issues in the future and I didn’t try reaching out. Best of luck with next season!
Great podcast, thanks! @ Tony Trietch (maybe somebody can forward to him? As an ophthalmologist/eye surgeon I would not recommend sleeping in any type of contact lens regardless of what your optometrist says. I’ve seen numerous corneal ulcers from patients sleeping in their contacts. These can cause corneal scarring that can permanatly affect your vision. Contact lenses in the backcountry are certainly a challenge. Still not ideal, but I would recommend daily disposable lenses instead. I don’t have Facebook/instagram to contact him directly, but wanted to reach out here. I couldn’t live with myself if I heard he had issues in the future and I didn’t try reaching out. Best of luck with next season!
@Tony Trietch
Good info for everyone wearing contacts. I used to do the same thing when I wore them, then Lasik changed everything.
Great podcast, thanks! @ Tony Trietch (maybe somebody can forward to him? As an ophthalmologist/eye surgeon I would not recommend sleeping in any type of contact lens regardless of what your optometrist says. I’ve seen numerous corneal ulcers from patients sleeping in their contacts. These can cause corneal scarring that can permanatly affect your vision. Contact lenses in the backcountry are certainly a challenge. Still not ideal, but I would recommend daily disposable lenses instead. I don’t have Facebook/instagram to contact him directly, but wanted to reach out here. I couldn’t live with myself if I heard he had issues in the future and I didn’t try reaching out. Best of luck with next season!
I wonder why my Dr never told me of the potential problems.
They have worked great for me and I have had less trouble than I did when I used to remove or replace daily. I appreciate the heads up Dr.
See attachment from Mayo Clinic. I’m always shocked when any eye doc would recommend sleeping in contact lenses with good conscience. Keep up the great work Tony


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