147 ELD-M 6.5 PRC issues

Mar 24, 2024
I have a 20” 6.5 Prc I’m having trouble getting to group much tighter than 1”. After about 40 rounds of the factory match from hornady I got the group in the first picture. Around 1/2”.
Around 2820 MV

I then started trying to find a load. Using H1000 and Peterson brass. Started low at 55.5 and went up to 57.5 with no pressure signs. At 57.7 started to get slight bolt lift issues and that persisted up to 58.1 so I stopped. Of the 8 loads only 2 of them were double digits. Most of them were below 5.
Velocity at 57.5 was 2900.

I tried loading them down to 2.940 and up to 2.9630. I’m at a loss. Try different powder? Different bullets?
Second picture is 90 percent of the 5 shot groups

Are you matching the CBTO/COAL of the factory ammo? How are you setting neck tension? Are you using a mandrel for the necks? Are your primers all seated to the same depth?
Peterson instructed to not size their brass till after the first firing so the first 5 loads I just loaded them like they came from Peterson. After about 10 I could feel that not all the necks were the same. After that initial load I resized them all with a hornady custom grade die set.

Yes I tried matching the factory COAL it was 2.950

No mandrel expander just the expander ball in the die.

I assume all my primers are the same depth. I have a Frankfort hand primer and I squeeze it till they stop and they are just under the flat part of the case head
I ended up at 57gr at 2.955 OAL with my 18" barrel.

This load was slower than N565 but more accurate.

Those are the only 2 powders I tried.