130’s in a 6.5prc?


Jan 16, 2024
Anyone getting good results with a 130 load in a 6.5prc? I just bought the gun. Starting to gather component for loading. I do have a box of 143 ELDX. Just thinking about playing around with a 130 with a little more velocity.
I’ve killed elk with the 130 TMK out of a PRC.

Fantastic terminal performance if you’re ok with the BC i.e. wind bracket.

Would kill any mammal on the face of the North American continent with this and not look back.
I’ve killed elk with the 130 TMK out of a PRC.

Fantastic terminal performance if you’re ok with the BC i.e. wind bracket.

Would kill any mammal on the face of the North American continent with this and not look back.
What powder?

I was only using Staball HD the last year for my brother's rifle, and I saw very little drop off in velocity between 156 bergers, 140vldh, 130tgk, 120etip I was using Peterson brass.

Off the top of my head, I think the difference in velocity was only 150fps. I did try Staball 6.5 with the etips and gained significant velocity.

If the rifle was mine, I'd have sought out some h4831 to play with.
127 LRX with a case full of RL25 at 3200 has killed two elk for me.
I think those will be my next order. I have not been able to my hands on any RL25 or 26. I can find plenty of H1000. I’ve always used RL powders but I’m being forced to find alternatives.
H1000 RL26 are scarce as hen's teeth around here. Worked a load last year with IMR4831 for 129's it was ok but not great. If I ever get some H1000 would like to try some Sierra's and Bergers.
My local BassPro has kept H1000 in stock. They had 9 containers Tuesday.
H1000 RL26 are scarce as hen's teeth around here. Worked a load last year with IMR4831 for 129's it was ok but not great. If I ever get some H1000 would like to try some Sierra's and Be
Hornady Outfitter 130cx factory loads out of 6.5prc. Savage 110 Ultralight. The top left is cold bore shot. That’s with the crappy factory stock.


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