Is there really a movement, I sure do t feel there is anymore then their was 20 years ago just now it isn’t magazines promoting it but social media. If you look at the stats hunter numbers are down and youth recruitment has been in the crapper, maybe these kind of projects are just what it’ll take to increase recruitment in the younger generation. Otherwise 30 years from now there will be few if any people hunting.
It's no different than when Tiger Woods came on the golf scene. Before he became popular getting on a course was about as easy as it got, there were always T-times or space available. became tough as heck. T-times booking months in advance, T-times done by brokers, and the courses were packed. All your past favorite courses were always too crowded to consider even if you did get a T-time. Rounds that took 4 hours or less were now taking 5-6+. What used to be an enjoyable past time, became an irritation. I pretty much stopped golfing for the most part because of that.
It was a similar transition that happened with fly fishing as well. I used to spend well north of 30 days on the rivers every year, especially when my dad was still alive. But fly fishing got very popular and crowded so I've probably spent 3 days on the rivers in the last 15 years. Public land hunting has started to become very similar. It's certainly not as enjoyable as it used to be, crowds have forced me out of what were my usual areas, and eventually I'll just choose to avoid all the crowds completely, like I have with golf and fly fishing.
Sometimes I think it is just math. Since I have been on this earth the population of the US has grown by about 100 million. Even if hunters are only 6% of the population then that’s 6 million additional hunters. While studies are showing hunter numbers are down on a percent basis, not so sure on a total number sometimes.
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