110 VMAX carnage (Graphic)


Sep 21, 2024
I took a doe and a button buck opening day in PA with some of the old non-cannelured 110vmax in my 270 Win. Shots were both 30-40yds and impact velocity was in the 3270 range. The button buck was quartered to a bit and impact was lower in the near side shoulder through the bone. The bullet caught in the skin on the offside and weighs 30gr. His heart was in three pieces and I could still fit my hand through the offside ribs.. The doe was a broadside lung shot that caught the back of the shoulder meat on entrance and the bullet exited.

Neither deer moved, the first 6 pictures are from the button buck, the last three are the doe. Not pictured is the other two pieces of heart that fell out of the button buck and the ~ 4 inch hole that included the top of the heart and front portion of lungs on the doe. I could have slipped her lungs over a 28 oz gatorade with ease.


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That is crazy. The only thing I've ever used that even comes close to that was a 7mm mag with 150 gr ballistic tips. I hit one quartering to and it exploded the guts and pushed them completely through the shoulder on the opposite side. The front half of the deer was complete trash. I started neck shooting them after that, then switched to something else.
That’s what happens when you shoot big game at high impact velocities with a varmint bullet that is designed to expand inside of small thin skinned animals.

It worked this time but I wouldn’t advise doing it long term as there is a high probability that something larger, like a mature buck, hit in the shoulder may not have penetrated to the vitals.
That’s what happens when you shoot big game at high impact velocities with a varmint bullet that is designed to expand inside of small thin skinned animals.

It worked this time but I wouldn’t advise doing it long term as there is a high probability that something larger, like a mature buck, hit in the shoulder may not have penetrated to the vitals.
Yeah I know this is what happens, that's the entire purpose of me trying this bullet this year. My grandfather used them about 10 years ago on some PA does with fantastic results in terms of tissue damage.

Though even the buck I killed in archery season would've only needed 12-13 inches of penetration to get through the shoulder and into the offside lung even at the most extreme angle. My PA doe hunts are for bullet testing purposes. I highly doubt it would not penetrate enough to kill from any responsible angle. Especially if the shot was put through the scapula instead of the joint or the humerus

Even at that though, with this bullet why put it through the shoulder of a big deer when it seems to drop them with lung shots just fine?
That is crazy. The only thing I've ever used that even comes close to that was a 7mm mag with 150 gr ballistic tips. I hit one quartering to and it exploded the guts and pushed them completely through the shoulder on the opposite side. The front half of the deer was complete trash. I started neck shooting them after that, then switched to something else.
This is kinda what I expected. My grandfather used these bullets in his sako 270 about 10 years ago and one of the deer was shot running quartered away and uphill slightly in a golden rod field, I want to say about 60yds away. That shot entered the forward section of the near side lung, went through to the base of the neck, and blew a 4-4.5 inch hole in the meat under the hide on the neck.

So far we have yet to have a deer move after impact. If we didn't have so many does and doe tags I wouldn't use this moving forward just because meat damage is so severe, but killing has been superb.
Holy cow that’s insane. I’ve been tossing the idea around of using 90 blitzkings in my 25-06 on some pa does too just to see how they do. Congrats on the deer!
Yeah I know this is what happens, that's the entire purpose of me trying this bullet this year. My grandfather used them about 10 years ago on some PA does with fantastic results in terms of tissue damage.

Though even the buck I killed in archery season would've only needed 12-13 inches of penetration to get through the shoulder and into the offside lung even at the most extreme angle. My PA doe hunts are for bullet testing purposes. I highly doubt it would not penetrate enough to kill from any responsible angle. Especially if the shot was put through the scapula instead of the joint or the humerus

Even at that though, with this bullet why put it through the shoulder of a big deer when it seems to drop them with lung shots just fine?
Looks like a lot of wasted meat to me. Such high velocity at such a close range is bound to cause havoc. Not to mention lack the proper penetration.

Experimentation is fine but only after researching the bullet history and development. I frequently ask questions on this and several other forums about bullet selection and performance. I shot seven deer this year for donation. None looked any where like yours.

I would consider a heavier bullet. But the information is readily avalible to make the proper decisions. In fact most of these forums are overload. Just ask.
I can't say I'm surprised by the results. The construction of the bullet, in this case, creates "explosion" rather than expansion. The result here was a dead deer. This result may be repeated an untold number of times, but what about the first time that it doesn't? Why not use a bullet more suitable for expansion and penetration? There are so many other, better options out at varying levels of cost, why use something that could easily be subpar?

It's just my opinion, and I'm glad that you got the deer.