I took a doe and a button buck opening day in PA with some of the old non-cannelured 110vmax in my 270 Win. Shots were both 30-40yds and impact velocity was in the 3270 range. The button buck was quartered to a bit and impact was lower in the near side shoulder through the bone. The bullet caught in the skin on the offside and weighs 30gr. His heart was in three pieces and I could still fit my hand through the offside ribs.. The doe was a broadside lung shot that caught the back of the shoulder meat on entrance and the bullet exited.
Neither deer moved, the first 6 pictures are from the button buck, the last three are the doe. Not pictured is the other two pieces of heart that fell out of the button buck and the ~ 4 inch hole that included the top of the heart and front portion of lungs on the doe. I could have slipped her lungs over a 28 oz gatorade with ease.
Neither deer moved, the first 6 pictures are from the button buck, the last three are the doe. Not pictured is the other two pieces of heart that fell out of the button buck and the ~ 4 inch hole that included the top of the heart and front portion of lungs on the doe. I could have slipped her lungs over a 28 oz gatorade with ease.
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