100's of old mags: Huntin' Fool, Epic Outdoors, Eastmans & More


May 9, 2017
Seldom Seen Saddle
It's finally time for a good house cleaning of stuff I no longer need. With that said, I have 10+ years of the western hunting magazines like Huntin' Fool, Epic Outdoors, Eastman's, Western Hunter and some others. They are all in excellent shape. I'm just looking for ideas on how to move them to somewhere else. One problem is they are so dang heavy and expensive to ship especially the Huntin' Fools and Epic Outdoors.

Thanks in advance for suggestions.
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Sounds like you need to back the truck up and head to the nearest recycling center or dump. Why would someone want an old magazine with outdated information?

If someone was on the cover of one or wrote an article in one, and wanted to buy an extra copy, I get that, but that is pretty needle in the haystack stuff.
Try your local craigslist or fb marketplace? Or maybe a local library would be interested in building a collection?
Old magazines with limited distribution, usually are valuable. I sold a stack of Varmit Hunter magazines for good money. You can ship them media mail USPS and save money. List the magazines on the Classifieds.
Ditto the media mail. It still may be too much of a pain but you can ship literature very cheap.