100gr eld-vt in 6.5prc for deer.

Feb 20, 2024
Thoughts on this load for whitetail deer in southeast. Most shots 100-300 yards. I have it dialed in running 3400 for coyote, just wondering your thoughts.
Will it kill a deer, absolutely , are there better options, absolutely. Stay off a shoulder and put it in the vitals.
I would be a bit worried about penetration at that velocity especially if it’s a close-range situation. If you put it in the neck it probably wouldn’t be an issue though.
I’m ready to see some examples. I likely won’t try it at the ranges I normally shoot at (short) just due to bloodshot and meat loss
I don’t doubt it would kill deer but I wouldn’t want to be the one having to clean them after getting hit with that combo
Killed 2 deer last night (100# and 112# doe) with the factory 6.5 Creedmoor 100 grain ELD-VT (3150 in my 24” tikka)

First deer was 80 yards just slight quartering away ( I have video but don’t know how to post a short clip) bullet broke both shoulders and jacket found just under the hide on the off shoulder. The picture attached is/was her heart…15-16” of penetration.


Second deer was about 200 and she was quartering to me. Bullet impacted on the front point in the front shoulder broke that leg and the wound channel stopped between the lungs. Only one small fragment was found. There was a piece of lung stuck between the front shoulder and the rib cage. She ran 30-40 yards no blood.

Both had massive hemorrhaging around the shoulders. Only negative is if hit farther back in the lungs and they run a couple hundred yards I doubt it will leave a blood trail.

Had to cut one shoulder off due to damage.
Better choice in bullets if you want to eat your deer.
I agree 100%…just trying different things…I kill 30-40 deer a year so I get to test a lot of different things….just for my own knowledge
If I use them again it will be neck shots only
Does anyone have an update to this question regarding the PRC? Fixing to start working a load for coyotes and hogs and trying to come up with a optimal powder choice.