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  1. JLH3

    Spotting scope help - Razor v Ares

    I appreciate the advice. Gives me some things to think about
  2. JLH3

    G29sf for first handgun?

    Id recommend a G47 or M&P 2.0. I’ve used both on duty and they’re great pistols. 10mm is probably more than you want for a first pistol. Both due to recoil and the price of ammunition. You want a pistol that is both fun and economical to shoot. That equals practice and practice leads to...
  3. JLH3

    Spotting scope help - Razor v Ares

    Sorry, meant to add: 15-45x65UHD (which is half the price of the Razor) or the 20-65x85. The larger scope is a little more and is obviously more powerful, but much heavier. Weight is something I do consider.
  4. JLH3

    Spotting scope help - Razor v Ares

    So I need to get a better spotting scope. My hunting is typical Arizona spot hunting. Both desert and mountain, depending on the hunt of course. For binos I have a pair of 10x42 Razor UHD’s so I feel I’m good there. (Or at least not willing to spend several grand to move up right now)...
  5. JLH3

    Hanwag Yukon or Lowa Renegade

    I’ve never worn the Renegade, but I’ve had several pairs of the Zephyrs and have loved each one. Break in is quick, effective soles for hiking in both the desert and mountains and have lasted me well. I will say that I’ve never worn them in really wet or snowy conditions
  6. JLH3

    NF NXS vs. Leupold Mark4HD

  7. JLH3

    Howa vs savage

    I own two Vanguards (.257 & .300 Wby) and I love them. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy a Howa.