Search results

  1. N

    Question re Tikka t3x Roughtech Ranch 16" barrel

    I did not get any responses from the Gunbroker sellers messaged. Will likely purchase from Eurooptic. Description states barrel is fluted though difficult to tell from picture. Will report back upon receipt/range testing.
  2. N

    Question re Tikka t3x Roughtech Ranch 16" barrel

    New member here, I have been looking into one of these in a 308 to shoot with a Jolene S that I have on the way. I appreciate all the info in this thread: The rifles pictured in that thread have spiral fluted bolts and...
  3. N

    Cup and Core or Terminal Ascent?

    Hornady 150 interlock in the 30-06 is admittedly a bit overkill for our NC whitetails but it has performed the best of all bullets I ever tried by far, have taken roughly 50 whitetails with the '06 over the years with various bullets and weights, highly recommend a 150 cup-and-core.
  4. N

    Whats your Black Bear Caliber?

    45-70 for me, but shots are close. Killed my first with a heavy cast bulliet, but 300 gr HP handloads have performed better.
  5. N

    Your first deer rifle?

    Tikka M695 30-06. Really wish I still had it, stolen from my truck 15 years ago.
  6. N

    New member from NC

    Greetings - I have spent so much time reading posts on this site lately, decided it was time to join. I am putting together a new rifle setup and suppressor, so nearly every search for detailed information seems to lead back here. I primarily hunt whitetails and black bear in NC. Most of those...