I was just in North/Central Idaho for elk and happened upon a couple whitetail does. I'm coming back looking for their boyfriend this fall. Apart from a couple outdated materials from IFG on habitat and range, I am not finding much to help understand and pattern their movements. Are there any...
Hi All,
I'm a late onset hunter who started chasing elk and mule deer in Colorado 15 years ago. Got hooked and now spend fall cruising Western states in search of critters. I've been finding some good nuggets of information on this site and thought I would join. Just searching for answers to...
Just shootin' from the hip here. For starters, my GoHunt does show a unit 13 Mule Deer controlled rifle hunt for October 10, 2024 - November 3, 2024, that was last year. So, check you filters. That said, Idaho doesn't have OTC for nonres, as you mentioned. They do have the "concert ticket...
I've got a Lolo B (Units 10 & 12) elk tag and a Unit 12 Whitetail deer tag. The seasons overlap, but not perfectly. I'm not asking for anyone's favorite spot in Lolo, as I prefer to find my own honey hole :cool:. But I am concerned about barking up the wrong tree on an 8 day hunt...