Search results

  1. xaceofspades999x

    Aftermarket Stock or Chassis

    There are so many good chassis but it really comes down to use case. I have a Matrix which is great for PRS and benches shooting but terrible for trekking around the ranch or hunts that require traveling far distances.
  2. xaceofspades999x

    Nightforce zoom lever

    After market throw lever (ring clamp style) or just removing the factory provided throw lever so it is flush seem to be the only options. Or +1 for a new rifle :)
  3. xaceofspades999x

    Scope Zero Check Thread

    I have several Nightforce scope and never an issue with zero from storing long term, safe bumps, or less than 2 ft drops. I have not tried many other scope but looking at the comments in here I think has me more open to other brands and the confidence they should stay zero.
  4. xaceofspades999x

    Benchmade Steep Country

    Those of you who are touching up the blade in the field, are you still sending the knife back for warranty sharpening as well?
  5. xaceofspades999x

    Yeti Loadout GoBox Review

    Thanks for the review, this is something I have been debating on getting for quite a while but was not sure if it was truly worth the value or was more of a “marketing” type item that was not that useful. This review and the others who commented have helped to give me the confidence in the...
  6. xaceofspades999x

    Magpul Knife

    I wonder if this will be just like their previous release of limited knives? Super high pricing, no real world reviews, but expecting the high dollar because they are going off of their name. For me personally, I would need to see it reviewed by many to ensure it is worth it depending on the...
  7. xaceofspades999x

    Any drone/RPA operators on here?

    I have a part 107 license and use drones professionally for work for surveying, maintenance assistance, photography, time lapse, parking lot studies, campus security and a few other things but it is difficult to get this as a side hustle as the market for these efforts is not quite there yet...
  8. xaceofspades999x

    New Sponsor, Long time Lurker

  9. xaceofspades999x

    Montana FNG

    Welcome from another FNG
  10. xaceofspades999x

    FNG from Texas

    I’m a new member here but been a lurker learning for a while… figured it was time to make it official! Been long range shooting for quite some time but I’m by no means an expert.
  11. xaceofspades999x

    American Primeval on Netflix

    I enjoyed it except having to continually see the scar of the scalping attempt.