Good to hear.
Here's another question. Is it dumb to practice with 6.5 creedmoore? Or should I really try to put together a .223 "trainer rifle" like I've been reading about?
I've read that a lot of PRS guys practice their positional shooting from only 100 yards. I only have access to a 200 years range so could I make this work for NRL hunter matches, as.long as I work off of lots of barricades/natural terrain?
How hard is it to find the targets at one of these matches, generally?
I've watched several on YouTube and it looks like they are glassing for forever to find the target. I think I'd get frustrated with this knowing g that I'm under time.
Very new to long range shooting. I keep reading that a heavy rifle is easier to get steady.
Is there really a noticeable difference between say a 8 pound rifle and a 10 pound rifle?
I would think you would have to add really significant weight, like 5 plus pounds for it to even be noticeably...
Long time lurker, first time poster. Very interested in learning to shoot longer ranges, so I can build up some confidence Before trying my hand at Western hunting. Very few opportunities for longer range shots here in the Ozarks.