I didn't think of buying a case right away, that's a solid idea. A 200 round case will run me around $1000, found the rifle on GrabAGun brand new for $1153 (can't find a used one currently), $800-1000 for a used Accupoint or Razor 1-6x, and Alaska Arms rings for $175. Not a cheap purchase, but...
No I don't reload yet. 375 H&H is definitely a consideration, but man do they get long with the longer action and 22" or longer barrels. I really like the idea of the Ruger Guide with a standard length action and 20" barrel. Seems like it would be super handy. 375 Ruger appears to be slightly...
I've been bitten by the bid bore nostalgic guide gun bug. Entirely to much time spent watching old Alaska and Africa hunting vids on YouTube I guess. I have no immediate need for one with no hunts planned outside of the lower 48 this year, but I just want one - a Ruger African / Alaskan / Guide...
I wear a 10 in all of my daily wide toe boxed barefoot shoes so I bought a 10ee. They are definitely a touch long, and their ee sizing just means more volume everywhere. The extra space, both width and length, allows me to wear more cushioned socks which is a bonus and means I have one pair of...