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  1. L

    ar 10 6.5 creedmor

    I use lancer mags don like p mag when I pull the round out no damage or marks
  2. L

    ar 10 6.5 creedmor

    I have put 1200 rounds though it I was at a class and had to use the gun it did it every time only on the first round what would make the accuracy that bad
  3. L

    ar 10 6.5 creedmor

    it takes the round half way off the mag. thought it wasn't oil enough so took the bolt carrier apart will put back together same problem
  4. L

    ar 10 6.5 creedmor

    I had a bad gun smith build me an ar 10 in 6.5 creedmor. it will not strip the first round off the mag and go into battery. if you drop the mag pull bolt half way back a let go it with lock up. stays lock back with the last round and cycles though the mag fine. so far with factory ammo 120...