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  1. C

    Advice on CO 3rd Rifle Experience

    Thanks for the tips, good things to think about. The good news is i have seen beds in some of these areas multiple years, so now i need to tie the rest in and watch the thermals and try to predict direction of travel, etc. I think i was too hung up on trying to glass into these areas where i...
  2. C

    Biggest bull yet!

    Great story, and great bull. thanks for sharing to help inspire the rest of us hunting low % OTC bull tags, and a reminder that the bulls are out there if you hunt hard.
  3. C

    Advice on CO 3rd Rifle Experience

    Agreed on that. Between the tag cost, plus fuel and time away from home, it's always a huge investment. Especially vs my local friends who has a resident tag and 3 hour drive. You hit the nail on the head about hanging at camp or hiking. I was "adopted" into the hunting group, which i am...
  4. C

    Advice on CO 3rd Rifle Experience

    Thank you, good point on that. I would be ecstatic to even glass a legal bull, even if i decided it wasn't a practical place to pack it out of. Also good to know on bigger bulls. I think i need to focus on finding elk and vetting out a herd/area for legal bulls. The good news is i feel like i...
  5. C

    Advice on CO 3rd Rifle Experience

    Thanks, at least the regret of what i should have done is strong enough to make me hunt smarter and harder next time. I'm mostly self-taught for all the back-country style hunting as my buddies mostly road hunt, so this will be another learning point towards hopefully bagging a future bull.
  6. C

    Advice on CO 3rd Rifle Experience

    Thanks for the detailed reply, this reinforces my error that i should have followed those tracks. I think i was so caught up in my friend's hunting style of mostly road hunting and not wanting a long packout that i didn't think for myself and try to track them down. Lesson learned, and hopefully...
  7. C

    Advice on CO 3rd Rifle Experience

    Hi All, Long time lurker, first time poster. I am a late onset hunter who started elk hunting (rifle) in 2018 in CO with some long-time hunter friends. Had a total fluke year my first time out and got a 4 pt bull, thanks to them. have hunted most years since, and have never tagged another bull...