Search results

  1. P

    Cali C zone G1

    The herd in this zone all migrate, not just due to weather but also for the rut. The earliest deer start migrating in this area is the end of August. Most start their migration around the third week of September. Weather just gets the animals moving faster.
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    Car camping rectangular sleeping bag recommendation

    Take a look at the Teton Sports Deer Hunter -35. These bags are heavy so they are strictly car camping bags. They actually look very similar to the Alps bag.
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    Benelli Montefeltro vs Beretta A400?

    As stated above, go and handle/shoulder both guns. Some guns have different handle swells and forehand rests. Get a feel for which one fits you best. What may fit someone might not fit you. I recommend shouldering the different guns with your eyes closed. Once the gun is in place, open your...
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    Grey squirrel

    Where are you located? Squirrels, as with any animal, usually taste like when they eat.
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    3x3s Worth Shooting Picture Thread

    Yikes, how wide is he?
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    Game Bags

    Zippered pillow cases. Can’t be beat
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    Best Eating Upland Bird Poll

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    Sleeping pad slide? No more

    Great idea. I will have to try this on my sleeping pads.
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    Offset Shoulder vs. Square Shoulder Mount?

    Thank you for the reply.
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    Offset Shoulder vs. Square Shoulder Mount?

    I’m looking to get a shoulder mount done ( I don’t want a wall pedestal) in semi sneak. I’m trying to decide between an offset vs square shoulder, see picture of the forms. Does anyone have any pictures side by side of an offset shoulder vs. square shoulder mule deer mount? Or pictures of...
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    Learning to black bear hunt in CA

    Food is the #1 items to look for when hunting bears. Food is different in every region so you have to key in on specifics for the area you hunt.
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    Young Buck Shoots Old Buck

    Nice mass and trash on that buck. Good stuff
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    300 Norma Improved and a Stud California muley

    Nice buck and nice rifle