Probably obvious from this post I know nothing about suppressors except they are expensive & the ATF has to be involved. I started looking at putting together a super-quiet 300 BO upper for shooting hogs around a feeder. Normally I put .222 bullet into a hog's noggin then wait & hope more hogs...
All methods seem to have their draw backs. I have & use both the vibrator/walnut-media & the SS pin wet tumbling. My big gripe about reloading is cleaning off the case lube - inside & out. I eventually bought a spare drum for my FA tumbler. I reserve this drum for tumbling without pins. Just a...
There's an old story, & it may just be that - "an old story", about the guy that put his new Weatherby in a dead elk's horns & while he was setting up his tripod to take a selfie, the elk jumped up & took off - with rifle in tow! LOL
Unfortunately, game warden Calvin is no longer with us or I would ask him. But I do know Calvin was a detailed sort of guy & I know he said dress not skirt & I know he would of mentioned if it was camo pattern. I'm pretty sure he didn't say the house slippers were snake-proof either.
I had a good friend living just up the road from me that was a retired Texas game warden. Cancer got him a few years back, but he had told me a bunch of stories. None really scary but some very weird!
He said that one time he was cruising the back roads around Geronimo TX in the middle of the...
I don’t know if this qualifies as creepy, but it was scary to my brother & I.
It was August, probably around 1980, in South Texas about 20 miles West of Laredo. To say it was hot, snake infested, thorny & inhospitable is an understatement! My brother & I were cleaning out our blinds & tiding up...
My 1st deer fell to a Savage 99 .250-3000 with a Williams receiver peep sight. The rifle was a hand-me-down from my older brother who had shot his 1st deer with it. It was a take-down model but someone had "pinned" it solid to remove the slop. Dad had bought it from a fella at work for $75. I...
Before plastic stocks, early bullpup rifles were built on standard bolt actions & had wood stocks. A gunsmith had to be master class to get the trigger right & safe. Some shooters collect them as the early hunting BP's were works of art. This is a .270....
Way back, my dad, brother & myself did a great deal of experimenting with our .30-06's for the most accurate load(s) with 150 gr bullets. We tried all the powders readily available starting with 3031 thru 4831. We found that IMR4320 shot best closely followed by IMR4895. I think if I was going...
I have a good friend that he & his wife both hunt antelope every season. They make jerky out of all the meat. I must admit, whatever their seasoning is, it tastes pretty good!
Like any meat that has no fat you need to add some. I save the trim off my briskets & chop it up small & grind the pieces frozen in with antelope meat for hamburgers.
I don't get an importunity too often to hunt antelope but the few I've shot in the past I processed & we cooked the meat just...
Eagle Rare - can't get much better bourbon no matter the price
Weller 10 yr - Was excellent for the price but now impossible to find. Best of the Wellers.
Jeffers Creek - Big surprise bourbon! Fantastic, lighter bourbon at a low price.
Wooderford Reserve - Good general bourbon to always have...