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  1. P

    Bear hunting books

    I picked this book up too, this is my first fall season chasing bears but I really feel this book is knocking down some of the learning curve. Well worth it Jon
  2. P

    What are you listening to now?

    I have been under a rock and just found podcasts in december... havent listened to much else since.... Jon
  3. P

    "Standard" Tent vs Tipi (floorless)..pros and cons?

    This is perfect, thank you for posting this! Jon
  4. P

    Mystery Ranch 2020

    Cheers thank you! Jon
  5. P

    MR Selway vs Metcalf

    I just went through all this as well, went with the metcalf because of how well it synches down tight when not loaded up so it can be used as a day pack. Rather have extra space and not need it than need ot and not have it. Jon
  6. P

    Mystery Ranch Guide light vs Guide Light MT

    I just did a deep dive into MR packs and ended up getting the 2020 metcalf, and one of the complaints of previous models was the waist belt, and it seems the 2020 waist belt really improved that. Pack arrives tomorrow, looking forward to packing a sand bag around the lake this weekend! Jon
  7. P

    Mystery Ranch 2020

    Are the pintler and mule bag only options setup for the guide light MT frame or the guide light frame? Just ordered a metcalf and was looking at running 1 of the smaller bag only options but the description mentions the "guide light" Jon
  8. P

    Are Box Stores Irrelevant?

    I try to support the local tackle shops as much as possible, a couple bucks more here and there I dont mind, but if prices are very different I'll look online for some of the bigger purchases Jon
  9. P

    Cabela's "Upgrade My Gear" Promotion?

    Doesnt sound like a big box thing to do.... give something for nothing... hopefully it's not a box of crap though haha!
  10. P

    Upgrade pack or binos first?

    I'm a longtime lurker and I have spent a lot of time in the classifieds, I think you could do really well for 1000$ for both a pack and binos. Jon
  11. P

    What does everyone do for a living?

    Journeyman sprinkler fitter! Jon
  12. P

    Vanguard endeavor HD 65a spotting scope
