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  1. L


    Strength: Back Extensions Strict Pull Ups Conditioning: 20 Min AMRAP 300m Run 10 Toes to Bar 8rnds.
  2. L


    5 mile run
  3. L


    Strength: Deadlift 8x275,8x295,6x330,5x345,5x365 Conditioning: 5 Rounds for Time 10 Alt DB Snatch 60# 4/4 s/a DB OH Lunge 60# 6 Toes to Bar 0:00 & every 2:00 5 Box Jump Overs 24” 9:52.
  4. L


    EMOM 5 Thrusters *Start at 95# add weight each min. 95,100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140, 145,150, 3@155.
  5. L


    4.33 mile Run
  6. L


    Strength: DB Strict Prese 10x60# 10x50# 8x50# 8x50# 8x50# Conditioning: 20 min AMRAP 5 power clean 10 pull up 15 box jump 24” 7 rnds 3 reps
  7. L


    Strebgth: Back Squat Conditioning: 4 Sets, 2:30 work/:30 rest 3 Wall Walks 20 DB Snatch 50# Max Rep Toes to Bar 46 Reps
  8. L


    Yesterday: 12.5miles, 2,200’ Heavy day pack scouting elk area. Today: For Time 1000m Row 25 Overhead Squat 95# 15 Bar Facing Burpees 2000m Row 15 Bar Facing Burpees 25 Overhead Squat 1000m Row 22:53
  9. L


    21-15-9 S/A LT DB Clean and Jerk 60# S/A RT DB Clean and Jerk 60# S/A LT DB Suitcase Lunge 60# S/A RT DB Suitcase Lunge 60#
  10. L


    10 Min AMRAP 5 Hang Power Clean 135# 15 Cal Row 5 rnds + 8 reps Post WOD 5x10 S/L Calf Raises 50# DB 5x10 Banded S/A Tricep Pull Down
  11. L


    4.33mile run
  12. L


    Monday morning: 20 Min EMOM Odd: 20 weighted box step ups 20”, 45# plate Even: 10 Cal Row Tuesday Morning: 5 Rounds for Time 24 Air Squats 16 Bar Facing Burpees 8 Shoulder to Overhead 135# 4 Thrusters 135# 1:00 Rest B/T Rounds 21:37
  13. L


    4 Rounds for Time 42 Double Unders 21 Wall Ball 12 DB Snatch 50# 7:41
  14. L


    18 Min AMRAP Min 1: Mountain Climbers Min 2: Laying Leg Raises Min 3: Dips
  15. L


    30min AMRAP 10 Push Up 15 Sit Up 20 Air Squats 19rns + 25reps
  16. L


    Sunday: 4.33 mile run Monday: 2.5 mile run
  17. L


    For Time: Hotel Hell 100 Hang DB Clean Thruster 35# 5 Burpees EMOM (Start workout with 5 Burpees) 19:53
  18. L


    Strength: Seated Good Morning 5x10 Calf Raises 5x10 Conditioning: 10min AMRAP 14 Alternating DB Snatch 50# 7 Cal Row 14 Toes to Bar 7 Cal Row 3 Rounds 21 Reps
  19. L


    Strength: Strict Pull Ups (9,6,6,4,4) Conditioning: 20min AMRAP 8 Renegade Rows 35# DB 10 Box Jump 24” 12 KTB Snatch 60# 8 Rnds + 20 Reps
  20. L


    For Time: 0.5 Mile Run 25 Sandbag Walking Lunges 79# 5 Rounds 12 DB DL 50# 9 DB Hang Power clean 6 DB Press 25 Sandbag Walking Lunge 0.5 Mile Run (19:29) Post WOD Strength Sent board pistol squats DB Calf Raises