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  1. G

    T & K Binocular Harness Giveaway

    Taking my brother on his first elk hunt!
  2. G

    Official Montana 2024 Draw Thread

    I just got a refund in the mail for $4.00 that says drawing refund but I drew a NR elk tag this year and that is all that i applied for... anyone know what this is for?
  3. G

    WTS Luepold optics for sale

    PM Sent
  4. G

    Are we being infiltrated (trolls)

    Oh okay I'm just a little slow I guess. Spose WTS means want to sell then. Was trying to figure that out. Is there a post somewhere about how the classified work?
  5. G

    Are we being infiltrated (trolls)

    I wasn't trying to be a smartass lol just genuinely curious
  6. G

    Score this buck.

    I'd bet 134"
  7. G

    Minnesota Land Transfer Bill HF4780

    Are there any dates tied to any of this? Me and some buddies make a trip there every winter. Didn't realize this was a thing.
  8. G

    Are we being infiltrated (trolls)

    What does "WTB" mean?
  9. G

    2024 Montana Alternates list

    That is quite a few more tags than I would have guessed! Pretty nice there is at least a chance you can get a tag like that if you don't get drawn.
  10. G

    2024 Montana Alternates list

    Is there any info on how many of these tags get issued every year?
  11. G

    Four words that ruin an elk hunt

    Someone got there first
  12. G

    Your Elk Hunting Rifle

    7 rem mag
  13. G

    Official Montana 2024 Draw Thread

    Is there info out there on number of resident tags given out every year?