Search results

  1. K

    New rifle, need high cheek

    Check out the new ruger american gen ii. They are in a class below what you mentioned but they are nice rifles that shoot great.
  2. K

    Underwood 44 magnum for bear

    I have a ruger blackhawk in 41 mag. with the short barrel. I got some underwood hard cast bullets for a back up bear gun....holy recoil. It is a hard gun to shoot accurately especially with quick follow-up shots.
  3. K

    New Winchester Model 70 Super Grades. Good?

    Good luck finding one. None in the shops by me. Keep an eye on gunbroker.
  4. K

    Help me choose a scope for my sheep rifle

    I have a Leupold VX5 3-15x44 fire dot model. Great scope
  5. K

    Hypothetical - You can only bring one firearm….

    Any 300 win mag bolt action rifle
  6. K

    The do it all self-defense pistol

    Glock 43x with shield arms mag....15+1
  7. K

    Christensen Arms Evoke New for 2024

    Did Christensen Arms get the kinks out? Apparently there has been alot of issues with thier rifles. I have been tossing the idea around getting a Mesa..
  8. K

    270 WSM?

    Hope ammo is easier to find then 7mm wsm!
  9. K

    What release are you hunting with 2023

    Tru-fire hard-core index finger release