Thanks, maybe I’ll look into some mouth calls and get away from the electronic sounds for a bit. Any recommendation on a good brand? I think I would be looking for a wolf howl, coyote howl /fight, and fawn in distress.
Thanks Ross! Ill give it a whirl. I also heard that taking scat from one wolf pack and putting it in the others territory can make them a bit nutty. Anyone have any experience doing something like that?
Anyone used the Sierra6 at all? I already have their rangefinding binos and although the glass isn’t the best, I’m not hunting bighorn rams so it doesn’t matter all the much to me. I’m thinking of getting the Sierra6 to put on a Weatherby 257 but was wondering what you guys thought? Should I...
Hey guys! Just joined up. Everyone here seems super friendly and helpful so I’m excited to get off the Facebook groups. More trolls there than anyone with something intelligent to add.
Did you get a chance to get out and have any luck? I’ve been working 2 packs and blew 2 chances. Looking for any advice on how to close the distance on them again. They seem to have wised up to my calls.