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    Colorado wolves released today

    That is just wild! 😬
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    The do it all self-defense pistol

    12 Guage 00 buck better than any pistol especially if you have to shoot in the dark. Point and pull the trigger 😂
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    AZ New member

    Thank you sir! Glad to be here (virtual handshake as well)
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    AZ New member

    Right now I have a javelina tag and I plan on putting in for elk and deer. But you know how the drawing system works here in AZ hit or miss!
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    AZ New member

    Hello everyone! From az passionate about hunting just thought I would introduce myself. Born and raised in Arizona love to see other hunters who are passionate about hunting like me. Glad to be here on rokslide!
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    2023 Broadhead Recommendations

    Magnus killer bee buzz cut. Razor sharp and leaves good blood trails.
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    Gear I Can't Live Without.

    Toilet paper 😂
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    Bow hunting Bino Harnesses

    Marsupial hands down 100% better than any other with lifetime warranty and USA made!
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    Quietest bow???

    Been using a cabelas bow for a couple years now has two javelina knocked down. Not quiet at all😆 but still gets the job done.
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    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Missing 411 is a creepy documentary