Search results

  1. F

    Upcoming Year

    I have a 3rd choice NM Muley app.,,, the other 2 are Coues.
  2. F

    East of the Mississippi

    Lake Guntersville, State Park.
  3. F

    What do yall do for side income?

    Been planning on foolin with bees myself when I retire. I need to get started actually beecause I hope to retire in no more than 2 years.
  4. F

    Pre-Post retirement Budgeting

    58 this Summer and hoping for a new Presidential Administration and Early Outs offered next year.
  5. F

    Any love for Wasp heads these days

    Seems like Wasps were the first broadheads I bought back in the 80's.
  6. F

    Pre-Post retirement Budgeting

    Unless leadership finds the off ramp real soon, we're going off the cliff.
  7. F

    325 WSM?

    Great cartridge but I'd have to shoot Partitions.
  8. F

    Pre-Post retirement Budgeting

    Getting close myself. 23+ years with the Fed. Govt. My BS tolerance is getting thin.
  9. F

    Hot Sauce Recommendation?

    Original Louisiana Hot Sauce.
  10. F

    New hunting pants being made

    Could those buckskins be smoked to get a darker tone?
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    how dumb is this/are people?

    Sounds like Gunbroker.
  12. F

    2024 New Mexico Draw Results

    Just deers. Need one a them Coues deers to complete my Whitetail Slam.
  13. F

    What constitutes a vacation for you and your family?

    I always try to include some kind of hunting or fishing in all vacations. Otherwise, I'm highly reluctant to participate.
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    .410 Shotgun for Backpacking

    I'd go with 22lr in a Chiappa Lil Badger.
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    Short boot large toe box

    I'm a 14W and THE ONLY thing I've found I can wear is a Keen.
  16. F

    '98 Land Cruiser experiences?

    Love my 94 Triple locked. 210k miles, no problems. Not a daily driver, dont even do any real off roading, just a weekend toy.