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  1. Haburchak.257

    How old for first knife?

    I got my first knife for Christmas when I was 6. It was a Swiss Army knife and I still carry it.
  2. Haburchak.257

    2 rubber bands on Sevr (or any mechanical)

    Have you ever used Sevr broadheads before? Just curious if you’ve had a negative experience with them (or a similar broadhead design).
  3. Haburchak.257

    Picked Up My Desert Bighorn Sheep Mount

    Beautiful ram, congrats!
  4. Haburchak.257

    Western Nebraska FNG

    Welcome, glad to see another Nebraskan on here!
  5. Haburchak.257

    FNG from Nebraska

    Hi everyone, I’ve been listening to the Rokcast for about a year now and decided today was as good a day as any to finally join. I’m a Montana native, now living in Northcentral Nebraska. Looking forward to learning from everyone here!