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  1. P

    Idaho Mule Deer OTC

    Understood, we have more than that one spot. Just where I think are greatest chance is to turn up bigger deer. If nothing in those basins we will move.
  2. P

    Idaho Mule Deer OTC

    Agreed, we will be glassing from up there down into 8500-7200 or so. From my limited experience it looks very good but also going to just have to see this fall. The feed seems to be there in butter brush and other foods. I’m going to try and glass south facing slopes.
  3. P

    Idaho Mule Deer OTC

    Did you see deer in that area at 9k even with the heat? That’s the plan have backups to get to if need be. We won’t stay if there arnt deer or sign. Thank you for the info! Agree it changes quick.
  4. P

    DIY mule deer

    I can give you my insight on Idaho over the past few years i have hunted there. Deer are there, but you really have to find them in the offseason. I am on the east coast 24 and don't have the time or money to do that. We have found a few alright deer but also spent 10 days hunting very hard...
  5. P

    Idaho Mule Deer OTC

    We are planning on just hunting our way in. I understand it is a large time commitment, but I have a feeling it holds bigger deer. Along with that, There are other areas to hike to on that ride and glass. That is our plan if the original spot doesn't workout, just hike down the ridge to the...
  6. P

    Idaho Mule Deer OTC

    The basin ill be in is ranging from 9200 down to around 7000. I would love to change the dates, unfortunately I am unable to since my hunting buddy could only get off that week. Do you think the 9000-7000 will be no good then from the 18th-28th? We were hoping that weather wasn't too bad and it...
  7. P

    Idaho Mule Deer OTC

    That's what I figured out last year seemed to be my issue. This year my spot is actually on my units border. It is 6 miles from nearest road by the crow flies. Its a long pack in and we will be at around 10k feet. It has a nice stand of timber on north facing slopes and looks to be some good...
  8. P

    Idaho Mule Deer OTC

    Great I ordered the book. I think these past few years I just wasn't high enough and watching thicker timber stands hard enough. I appreciate the reply and the advice.
  9. P

    Montana Mule Deer Hunt

  10. P

    Altitude sickness question

    If the trip allows I always climb elevation slowly and adjust to each level. I have never gotten sick knock on wood, but it affects everyone differently. I take the time to adjust just so I don't ruin my hunt. The pill effect is why I've never done it. Like others stated do you really need to...
  11. P

    Hunting Public Land

    Find a good looking area on the maps and put miles on the boots. We went totally blind to kentucky this year, it was hard and we did find some. Just took process of ellimation and lots of walking.
  12. P

    Idaho Mule Deer OTC

    Few questions: I have hunted Idaho before and just never laid eyes on a big mule deer. Im not looking for the next world record, just a decent 3 by 3 or 4 by 4. What elevation is best for last week of rifle oct 19-28th? Timber mixed with open areas that they come to feed? I have seen them in...