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  1. A

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    I don’t have anything novel to report after my first PA buck killed with the little green bullet -just another “yep, that’s what they said would happen”. A hunter did come over from the neighboring property to see who I was after I had flayed the deer. He thought my gun was weird (it’s hideous)...
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    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    For this we have to go back, back to the time when dinosaurs weren’t just confined to zoos.
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    How I Modify My Tikka Factory Stocks

    SWFA scope, weird negative comb, vulgar ribbed AB suppressor…this thing would look worse IMO if I tried to make it look good. It stays right on target under recoil though.
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    How I Modify My Tikka Factory Stocks

    oh noooo should I stop shooting it and go weigh it down with more bondo?
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    How I Modify My Tikka Factory Stocks

    Thanks for the detailed write up and photos. I decided to try similarly f***ing up my factory stock, with minor deviations. I built up the bottom of the stock a bit more to get it as parallel to the bore as possible. I also laminated the fore end with some carbon weave to stiffen it up after my...
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    Show your Tikka ten round groups

    First 21 shots with Superlite 6.5 CM after chop and thread for new suppressor. 130 TMK w/ H4350, factory stock, barrel channel hacked out with a mora companion. 103 yards. Prone over backpack stuffed with dirty shirts, fisting the buttstock. Broke position to reload every 3 shots and give the...
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    Joseph von Benedikt vs Formidilosus

    If I have to start scrolling past debate videos like “cranky fudd DESTROYED by FACTS and LOGIC” I’m getting a dedicated 338 WM squirrel gun and telling my gun-naive friends that anything smaller is unethical.
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    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Biased sampling. We aren’t hearing from the dozens, perhaps hundreds, of forum members who were eaten by bears attempting this.
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    223 Loads

    Thank you. They have always been helpful.
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    223 Loads

    Do you know what kind of reamer was used? The smith threading my barrel has a 0.125”throated .223 reamer on hand that he said was “good for 88 ELD-M”, but he didn’t specify at what COAL.
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    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    I was tempted to focus complaint on the cartridge assumption, but in the context of that shot placement it would have felt like correcting the grammar of someone in the middle of having a stroke.
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    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    aeammo dot com has 50 ct and larger boxes of Black Hills listed as in stock.
  13. A

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    For all I know there could be an ongoing investigation and forthcoming report. If it reports that some .30 cal bullet was actually in there, the original poster might even update the thread with a correction. Kinda sucks though that any such correction's influence would amount to a rounding...
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    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Thanks for looking elsewhere. Shame to see it get secondary distribution
  15. A

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    The pseudonymous OP and a Montana FWP biologist were cutting it up in the field and found an encysted polymer tip and bullet fragments that gave them the impression of being from a .224 caliber bullet. OP acknowledged that this was speculative and that a bigger gun wouldn't have helped this...
  16. A

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Man, I really signaled my intent poorly. I meant that I had found a few highly negative comments referring to this thread as if it were somehow responsible for this wounded animal. Sounds stupid to me, but apparently not to anyone else offering comment. I was not seriously suspicious of someone...
  17. A

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    I agree and don’t want a brigade over there. It’s wild to get used to the meticulous stuff posted here and contrast it with what the truth would be if everyone got to vote on it.
  18. A

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Why you hef to be mad? I bought a tikka and now bully everyone I meet using anything bigger than a .243.
  19. A

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Thanks. I wondered if that was a closer color/shape match.
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    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Oh, not at all. I was surprised to check back in with how important headstamps appear to be to people outside this bubble, even to people who have encountered this thread and then have it come to mind when they see an elk shot in the ass. My first thought was “why did he shoot it there?”, and...