New to the forum, and always happy for an opportunity to brag about my old man. Here’s his sheep from last year, taken with his 6.5x47 Lapua T/C Encore.
My brother, my Dad and myself on a backpack hunt. Beautiful mountains, an incredible animal and a good pack out.
I saw that, I’m glad I’ve got my encore already because used prices are insane. I would love to see one of the new frames, coming from SSK I'm optimistic. I haven’t heard anything either way as far as making encore frames, but that would be a pretty sweet setup.
I realize this is an old thread, but I’m a huge fan of the encore platform. If you can get your hands on one they’re really fun, you can get decent deals on barrels too then you can try a new cartridge for 300$ instead of buying a whole new firearm. Aftermarket support for barrels is pretty...
Another new guy, I don’t make enough to buy cool new gear as much as I’d like so I’m here to live vicariously through others, then buy the used stuff they don’t want.
For what it’s worth, my Dad had taken quite a few animals with a handgun (all in Wyoming, usually an elk every year, antelope here and there) and he’s done a lot of that in blue jeans, but he did really step up his gear last year for his sheep tag.
For Wyoming, having a good wind resistant...
I’ve got a Sitka core long sleeve that’s lasted a few years as a base layer and usually a grid fleece mid layer over that. I’ve picked up a Patagonia r1 hoody and pullover in neutral colors off eBay reasonably cheap and they’re the single most used pieces of clothing I’ve ever had. The zipper...