Will do… you said length from 28.5-29.5… so I wasn’t sure how many extra cams came with it… I just wanted to know the # on the cams… I need a #3 to be able to consider the sale. Thank you, good luck!
You have a lot going on…with as much experience as you have, I wouldn’t sweat the small stuff… if you are comfortable and confident with your bow, check. Heavy arrows are not needed for whitetail…I shoot black Eagle Rampage and they blow right through almost ever deer I’ve shot, except one… and...
The most popular brand ever… Obsession! Ha! M6Z, awesome bow for me…plenty fast and plenty accurate… 72# 29” not sure the speed, but give or take 290 fps… shooting BE Rampage.
Never froze one… but enjoy them… my son shot his first deer this year and sliced the dang thing in half… the bottom part we found, the top was exploded… proud of his shot, but miss eating the heart! Haha!